Friday, November 27, 2020

Online Teaching Practice - First Week Report

..A new beginning in the Digital Era..

As part of B.Ed curriculum, we have teaching practice. Due to corona we were asked to conduct in through online resources. Our college provided us opportunity to have online teaching practice and I was assigned to teach students of Christ Nagar Senior School, Thiruvallam.

 The first week of online teaching practice was from 23 November 2020 to 27 November 2020. I was assigned to take classes fro 8th, 7th and 6th standard students. We prepared all the 10 lesson plans and digital resources before the teaching practice itself. The first class was for 8th standard. I was nervous as it was first experience to teach through G- Suit. The took class on the chapter Princess September. It went well.

Then the chapter for 7th standard was "Quality". It was an interesting class, as they were enthusiastic to learn everything. They finished all activities and was very attentive.

For 6th standard I taught the lesson "Fair Play". This class was very energetic and active. When ever I asked some questions, there response were quick. But they were also very active in interacting and talking through out the class with me. So it was slightly difficult to control them. But I really enjoyed the class with them.

The first week went well as we planned. I am very happy with my teaching and I improved a lot. The peer teaching was very helpful for me as I was able to implement many strategies and techniques, I learnt form there.

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