Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Second day of Peer teaching

Today was our first individual peer teaching class. I chose the lesson "Rosa Parks Sat Still" from Standard VIII. It is one of my favourite story as I am so much interested to learn about people who protested against unjust rule. So I was really happy to take the lesson in my class. For the first class, I decided to teach first six small paragraphs. I beginned the class by asking them to identify people like Gandhiji, Nelson Mandela and Sree Narayana Guru who protested against injustice like racism. Then I showed them video of Gandhiji who was thrown out of train for travelling in the first class compartment. Then explained about Rosa Parks and then followed all the steps of lesson plan and finished the class within 25 minutes given to me. 

After the class, my peer gave me feedback that are both positive as well as negative. I believe that, positive feedback can motivate us while negative feedback can help us grow into a better person and here a better teacher. 

I think, my class was better than yesterday. I had certain mistakes like grammar mistakes while asking questions and mispronounced certain words. But from their feedback I understood that, I was pleasant through out the class yet tension was visible on my face. I always ensured that, they were listening carefully by calling their names. According to them , my explanation and reading was good but used do and did vise versa. I think that, it may be  because I was nervous. But I am happy that I improved myself and will keep improving.

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