Monday, November 2, 2020

First Session ONLINE Peer teaching Practice

.. A new beginning..

Today on 2 November 2020, we beginned our online peer teaching practice using Google platforms. We were asked to choose one poem and prose and divided it into meaningful passages or stanza to prepare lesson plans.  We submitted our lesson plans before hand and after corrections proceeded to prepare PPT , videos and images to make classes more interesting. 

We were divided into 4 groups with five members. The first class was shared class with three members from a each group. My group included Athira Sreekumar, Aawani, Balu and Ancy. Fo rour shared class, me, Athira and Ancy chose the lesson "Taj Mahal" and prepared lesson plan including PPT, video and images. Then we divided the portions into three. I was assigned to take the introduction portion of the class till Entry activity and profile of author. Then Athira was assigned to take the eleven lines of the poem. Then Ancy was assigned to take the rest of the portion till follow up activity. We were assigned with 30 minutes to take the class and each one of us got 10 minutes. We finished at the exact time. The class was a new and nice experience as it was the first experience too take class for students through online platform using online resources. 

PPT prepared to take introduction session of the lesson "Taj Mahal" for shared class

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