Saturday, November 21, 2020

VENTEL Programme

 Vocational Education Nai Talim- Experiential Learning (VENTAL ACTION PLAN) on 24/08/2020. Certified by Department of Higher Education, MHRD, Government of India.

We were informed about the VENTEL programme and was prepared for the meeting with authorities. We were never at the beginning,. But as ma`am explained it to us it turned out to be fine and we discussed in our group and decided to prepare masks and pickles.

A session was conducted on 22 November 2020, by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Hyderabad to initiate the VENTEL programme. According to their instruction, we were divided into groups and was given a list of vocational programmes for us to take initiative and implement.

Anu ma`am was the one who took class for us. But more than a simple class, it was really interactive session and she made us understand the importance of the VENTEL programme and it was an amazing session for us.

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