Friday, November 6, 2020

The Report on One Week Peer Teaching

 The one week Peer teaching from November 2 to November 6 was a new experience for me. We beginned the section with great tension and stress. We decided the portions, prepared the lessonplans for each day after dividing each lesson into meaningful sections. Then we prepared PPT and found videos appropriate for each lesson. 

Even if it was little bit hectic, we enjoyed doing it. The group included Athira Sreekumar, Aawani, Balu , Ancy and me. The five day class was really memorable. We could see the change that came to our way of teaching. Each day we began to improve ourselves. I remember that, on the first day I done well, but I had many grammatical errors and pronunciation mistakes. My peer members pointed out each and every day I showed improvement. I am a person who is good at making PPT, so each day they expected new templates from me, so I focused on attracting their attention with attractive presentation.

In case of Balu, we were able to see a drastic change. From the first day to the fifth day, he was growing as he improved a lot in the way he teach. He prepares well, but his presentation, way of reading etc was not so good. Each day he began to show improvement in presentation as he included images, videos, etc to draw our attention. But he was friendly teacher and was speaking with a soft voice. 

In case of Athira Sreekumar, she prepares well with images, videos and all. The way she speaks is very good as it had no grammatical error or pronunciation mistakes. She was a driving force for me to focus more on my pronunciation. But in certain days, she made small mistakes which we pointed out and she was ready to improve.

In case of Aawani, she was not concerned about her time management. As she began to teach, she forgets about time. So we keep on asking for improvement which made a slight change in time management. But her presentations were good.

Ancy was a person who was not able to prepare a presentation. But as it was a necessity, with the help of us she learned it. But it was difficult to help her understand how to include images and videos in PPT as we were communicating through phone. But she learnt how to include images in her PPT and it was a great joy for all of us. She taught well. But needed lot of improvement fro which we helped her.

When the peer teaching is ending now, we feel like a major part of our life is lost. My be because, this group means more than just a group for us. The bond became strong and we all improved a lot. None of us was worried about being criticized or exposing our negatives or others. We did well as a team. And I am extremely happy that, we hot such a great opportunity.

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