Thursday, February 25, 2021

Third week of Teaching Practice

 The third week of teaching practice was from 16 February 2021. I began to teach the lesson "Matchbox" by Ashapurna Debi. It was a good chapter which compares women to matchbox, which means women sit meek and calm but they have the power to burn a Lanka itself. I was happy that, the plus two chapters are really good and they even focus on themes like women empowerment and its importance. 

The story was good. There was a very interesting experience based on this lesson in my class. The character Ajit has an ugly habit of reading the letters of his wife. But its a bad habit and everyone knows it. But my students were not ready to consider his habit as a bad thing. They believe in the rights of a husband to read the letters or anything that is owned by the wife. I was not that surprised because I expected this answer. So I worked so hard to made them understand the way Ajit could have been reacting if his wife did the same and like that. It was an interesting week.

Then on 22 February 2021 I gave them a diagnostic test and I understood that, they have difficulty in learning the spelling of words.

On 23 February 2021, I gave them remedial teaching for spelling mistakes. I gave them the correct meaning and example of the word "Consensus" which was given in the question paper. then I found 10 words from a chapter and explained it meaning and examples in a chart paper and PPT to make the word thorough for them. Then I put a dictation for them, which showed a slight change in the results. Then I presented a chart with squares are drawn with certain words written in clockwise and anticlockwise directions. It was an interesting session. They began to try hard to find the word. For the person finding the answer first I gave a chocolate as the reward.

Then on 24 February 2021, I gave them an achievement test to check whether they understood the lessons taught by me.

I am really happy with this teaching practice as I got a chance to be physically present in my classrooms in front of my students. I was able to implement certain strategies and learnt to control the classroom. 

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