Friday, February 5, 2021

First Week of Peer Teaching


On 28 January 2011 we started our peer teaching practice. Due to the pandemic situation and our teaching practice, our peer teaching was conducted through online. We were divided different groups. 

I started to take "On Killing A Tree" by Gieve Patel . On the first day we were lucky enough to take the peer teaching in our college itself. So I used charts and activity cards. Then the next  peer teaching was on 6th February 2021. I continued to teach the same poem for two days and it was finished. I used the audio visual aids and PPT to make the class interesting for the students. I gave them interesting activities to do and videos to watch and understand the values of the chapter. The next chapter was "Crime and Punishment" which created an extra interest in them. Because it was a chapter from the plus two class and none of them were quite familiar with plus two portions. So they were very eager to listen. My peer members were Fatima and Balu. I watched their peer teaching ans I was able to see the improvement. Because we were in the same peer group in the peer teaching practice of last semester. I continued to teach the lesson because it was a lengthy lesson. But each day I tried to include videos and to male  my PPT attractive so that their focus will not be faded. It was a good week. I got positive feedback and some negative feedback which will; be improved in the next week.

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