Monday, February 15, 2021

Second Week Report of Teaching Practice

 The second week of teaching practice was from 8 February 2021. I decided to take the lesson "A Three Wheeled Revolution". It was an interview with Irfan Alam, an entrepreneur and it reveals about his life as an entrepreneur. It was the day when our teachers came for observing our class. I was slightly nervous, but I was ab;e to take the class very well. But I made a pronunciation mistake which I corrected on the next day. The first day I gave them certain information regarding the wealthiest entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos, Elan Musk, Bill Gates, etc.They were really interested in understanding about them. 

The same lesson lasted till 15 February 2021. The whole week helped me to understand their interest towards audio visual aids and images. So I started to include many videos and images to attract their attention and it was a success. I used videos to make sure they understand the values received from the lesson. I am sure that, this lesson has made them to think about their own entrepreneur ideas and the importance of doing something that we love. They were interested to do word puzzles and small activities, so included entry activities that are beneficial for them. Sometimes they were not interested to do activities, especially to write. But I had to make them write so I gave them clues to write the answers and rewards were given to those who wrote well following all the rules of the activity. 

This week was very interesting as I learnt many things like to understand the difficulties of my students, understanding their interests and I was able to control the class well. 

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