Friday, June 19, 2020


.. Each day reading give us a new experience..

 “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” – George R.R. Martin

June 19 is celebrated as National Reading Day to honor the life and works of P.N. Panicker, a teacher from Kerala. As part of the reading day, as every year our college decided to conduct reading day functions to make us, the budding teachers remember our duties to enhance reading skills in students. On 19th June 2020, our college decided to celebrate the reading day. The programme was scheduled from morning 10 am. Due to Covid- 19 we conducted it through online resources. It was conducted through Google meet. Our beloved guest was DR. P. Bhaskaran Nair. The function beginned with the prayer of Nanda to have the blessing of God. Then Then everyone was welcomed by our dearest Principal maam, Dr. M S Geetha. Then presidential address was given by Rev. Fr. Dr. Sony Sebastian. 

Our guest joined us even if he was travelling to his home due to Covid circumstances, His words were truly amazing and inspiring. He started mentioning about how a child begin to read. He said that a child start to function through language while he is at 18 months. How each grandmas at home is influencing the reading habit of the child. The first stage of reading is important too. child become part of grandmas`s reading, But he is not reading with his lips but with his mind. This is the earliest stage of reading. And Bhaskaran sir said that he want to highlight on this stage. Because as the future teachers, we have to start it from the home, then to our class. A family member who read newspaper or book daily will influence a child. There is a very good possibilty for the child to become a good reader. There is no need to teach reading. We should read, read and read for them. It will become a part of their life and it will become an interest and this interest will be lasting through out their life. 

Then he quoted words of famous people mentioning about importance of reading. Each time we read it is being imprinted in our mind. Studying for our exams is different from reading something. In reading something other than for study , it need interest and we need to travel beyond the boarders. It should make us think critical and all. and he mentioned about many other things and we concluded the official function.

After the function, our college conducted a newspaper reading competition through the google meet.  They conducted English as well as Malayalam newspaper reading. Many of us participated and  it was a nice experience, but their was network issues too. But I am happy that they took an initiative to over come our physical barriers and conducted it through communicative networks.

I am happy that I got second price for Malayalam newspaper reading competition.

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