Sunday, June 7, 2020


.. Each day is a new experience..

The third theme was " Team Work". It was an interesting session. I contacted both Aleens and Stephy and discussed about the teamwork and its importance. They shared the difficulty to write these activities along with school works. But when I convinced them to find at least half an hour a day for these activities, both of them agreed. I was happy that they are interested to cooperate with me. I gave them the first activity to write down what things they and their family can do as a team to protect themselves from COVID 19. We discussed about the various measures to prevent Covid19. Then I gave them the second activity to write one memory with their friends that describes the importance of teamwork and whether that teamwork was a success. They are always happy to write about their friends. Then I gave the third activity to do a team activity with parents or siblings to inculcate the values of teamwork in her. I talked with their parents to help them and they were happy to do that. 

When I contacted them on the next day they presented me the completed activities. I am extremely happy that both of them wrote well. Both of them clearly pointed out the necessary measures to be taken care of during these time of Covid- 19. In the first activity, Aleena has described how to prevent Covid19 by wearing masks, using hand sanitizer, washing hands with soup, etc. Stephy wrote about how each family member should take care of themselves as well as other family members. She wrote about what each person should do when they are going outside their home. And what everyone should do when they come back to their home, like before entering into the house they should wash their hands with soup, etc. On the second activity, Aleena described how together with friends, she created an English magazine on the topic 'man made hazards'. Stephy described her memory of helping the cleaner in school, together with friends. She told me that it was to escape from the class. But their teamwork helped the cleaner to finish the job early and it made them happy.On the third activity to help parents, both of them had done an amazing job. Both of them helped their parents in cleaning the rooms, washing cloths,etc. I am so happy, that they have a heart to help their family and have good knowledge about how to prevent Covid in these emergency situation. It is a relief for me. I am happy that I am a part of their life now. 

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