Wednesday, December 25, 2019


.. A Day of Joy, Peace and Happiness..

Let this Christmas bring everyone happiness and prosperity. 

I wish let this Christmas be away from all discriminations of caste, religion, gender and race. Consider everyone as one among us and respect each other. Let this world be not ' mine' bt "our's".


Friday, December 20, 2019


.. A day of Celebration..

Today, we celebrated our first Christmas after entering in our college. The function was well organized and was we had a great atmosphere of Christmas. Our function was blessed with the presence of Fr. Robim Ananthankadu, Fr. Sony Sebastian, Principal Dr. M. S. Geetha along with our beloved guests, Sister Anila, Sister Sophia. All beloved guests gave us Christmas messages through various interesting stories. After the official function, we had cultural programmes like carol songs, dance, nativity plays, etc. The function became sweeter when our Fr. Sony Sebastian presented us cakes made by himself.The day was soo good that it will reside in our minds even after years. The love, care, and togetherness of Christmas was presented to us through gifts and cake.

Thursday, December 19, 2019


.. A day with two famous people in society..

It was an amazing day. We were blessed with two exceptionally talented, famous personalities, Dr. G. Madhavan Nair, former chairman of ISRO and Vayalar Sarath Chandra Varma, lyricist. The function was a grand success. Dr.G Madhavan Nair inagurated our new union and Vayalar inagurated our Arts Club. The speeches of both personalities were inspiring. Madhavan Nair sir talked about the importance of becoming a teacher. He said that, in his life his teachers have a major role in motivating him to achieve his dream. Vayalar sir talked artistically about life and arts. It was so magnificent and pleasing to our ears and heart. 
This day was really memorable to each one of us.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


..A new opportunity..

Martheophilus training college has conducted SPARKS - All Kerala inter training collegiate fest on 16 and 17th December 2019. On the first day Lakshmi, Jeenu, Nikhitha, sruthy, Sister Linda and me went to participate in various programmes to represent our college. 

I and Lakshmi participated in Mehandi design competition. We didn't get any prize, but it was a nice experience to visit and participate in programs conducted by other colleges. Our senior Jeenu Karthikeyan won the title as "Best Student Teacher" after a series of activities conducted by the organisers. 

On the second day our friends participated in quiz and other sports activity like Badminton. The match was really nice. Bith the teams competed each other. It was really amazing. Our college women badminton team won second prize. It was a great experience for us.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


..Essent Awareness to Know About Our own rights..

Human rights logo
Human-rights day is celebrated on December 10. The date was chosen to honor the United Nations General Assembly's adoption and proclamation, on 10 December 1948, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The day is normally marked both by high-level political conferences and meetings and by cultural events and exhibitions dealing with human rights issues. Today we celebrated it in our college. It was to make everyone aware that, every humanbeing has same rights regardless of their sex, caste, religion, race, colour, etc. 

Ms. Joshna presented a speech on the importance of this day and how it was originated. Ms. Athira continued by adding examples of human-rights violation in the present society. After that Preetha ma'am consolidated the topic with more informations. It was really informative and relevant to us as student teachers. It made us realise that, as a teacher and humanbeing, we should be aware of our rights as well as the rights of our students. We should make the pupil aware of their rights to freedom, live, educate, etc. A person with good awareness of his or her own rights will also learn to respect others. 

Then we our college conducted a poster making competition.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


..A film that has a special place in mind..

"Brave" is a 2012 animated film of Pixar. It is an animated fantast film released by Walt Disney pictures. It was directed by Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman. The film is set in Scottish Highlands. The film tells the story of Princess Merida who defies an old custom causing chaos in the Kingdom by expressing her desire not to be betrothed. 
In Medieval Scotland, Princess Merida of Clan Dunbroch is presented with bow and arrow by her father, King Fergus on her 6th birthday to the dismay of her Mother Queen Elinor. Merida is an action packed character who is flame haired and like a Scottish Tomboy. Then we flash forward to Merida as a young girl at the ate of marriage. But she was not interested to get married now. But her mother invite heirs of other clans and the competition of Archery begins. But t none of them were worth. So Merida herself get into the competition who showed them what her skill is. This made her mother angry. Merida went out of home and she met a witch to whom she asked to change her mother. Then she gave her mother the cake which the witch gave her, Elinor changed into bear. Merida was shocked. Later understand that she can change the spell. Even if Fergus try to kill the bear without knowing the truth, Merida stops him harshly. At the end Elinor turned back into her body.
More than the story the way the character, amerida acts really impressed me. In the fim Scottish Highlands is painted beautifully through details and archery skills of Merida. Brave has an uplifting message of communication between mother and daughter. When the story begins Elinor is so strict and always try to make her daughter like her. But at the end she leavea the decision of marriage to her daughter itself. Merida also transform from a childish girl to a matured lady. 
Brave has 4 songs. Each one is uniqhue and pleasing. "The song of Mor'du" is featured with words sung Authentically in scots which is different from Scottish Gaelic. The lyrics of the songs perfectly merge with each situations. My favourite Song is "Touch the Sky" and favourite lines are
I will ride, I will fly
Chase the wind and touch the sky"
The animators have a great role as they gave a visual treat to us. It is visible in the cration of Will-o-the- wisp, bear, action scenes, firewall, witch's cittage and her magic, etc. Characyer animators perdormed well as each character and lip sync is perfect. 
Brave is Pixar's first Fairy tale in which women is portrayed in a more masculine way and first pixar film to have a female director. 
This movie is special As Merida, the female protagonist breaks the stereotype of princess. Merida is far from being a Typical fairy tale princess. She is like a tomboy. She is not afraid of anyone or anything, she has a strong will to do what she wants, she is a perfect daughter, she is a person who find time to live for herself. She shows the courage to reject all men cane to marry her. She has a strong self respect. She never relies on anyone else to fix her mistakes when the spell goes wrong. She remained happily single and take care of everything around her. I felt like this is bold female oriented movie. It shows that, what ever the family ir society do, the real self will burst out from every individual. It has a perfect blend in its story, plot,direction, casting, editing, cinematography, music, action, animation,etc. It has comedy, action, adventure, emotional scenes, supernatural elements and so on. 
Pixar took 13 movies to give us a female protagonist who has broke all stereotypes. Merida is presented as a honorary boy. In every perspective she is the first feminist Disney princess. So it has a special place in my mind as well as in the history. This is an amazing movie which always has a special place in my mind.

Monday, December 2, 2019


.. An Essential Awareness to give a helping hand to those who need it..

Today we organised a programme based on AIDS Day. It was a really good effort which provided many new valuable informations. Our friends co-ordinated a Tableau to give us an awareness about AIDS.

They made us understand What is AIDS, How AIDS is different from HIV, How it Is transmitted, How we can control it etc.

The programme started with a well organized thought of Ankitha about AIDS Day and other details, then consolidated by Sreekutty ma'am. Preetha ma'am concluded it at the end of the programme. Over all the programme was really a successful one. It was very informative.

Thursday, November 28, 2019


.. A Day of revelation about Gandhiji for us..

Our college has arranged a class of Dr. V. Raghu, HOD of Mar Theophilus Training College. He has achieved a lot of prestigious awards oncludiin UNESCO Award, Excellence Award from University of Kerala, Sardar Patel Award,etc.

He beginned by saying that Gandhiji as a person was born in Porbandhar, Gujrat. But Father of our nation, the great 'Mahatma' was born in Pietermaritzburg railway station where he was thrown out of the train for being Indian even if he had a first class ticket on 1893.
In 1930, TIMES magazine glorified Gandhiji as "Man of the Year". 
He then continued talking about Gandhiji, his life, contributions and how we, the Indian and the western people consider him. For us he is just the father of our nation. But even if Gandhiji was their enemy, western people consider him as a great person of extraordinary personality.
Then he get deep into the subject of Gandhiji and Women Empowerment. First, he showed us a scene from the movie "Gandhiji" which reveal his attitude towards women. Gandhiji reapected women and believed that women is more powerful than men. 

Then he shared his views of women empowerment, women subjugation, oppression and objectification in our society. I personally feel that, he was not afraid to bring out the reality to us. We were so happy that atleast he is supporting women. Then he divided us into groups and gave us different extracts of Gandhi's letter to Kasthoorba Gandhi, Gandhi's letter to Sarojini Naidu and Gandhi's thoughts on role women in society and women empowerment.
He winded up the class concluding that Gandhiji is a person touched all fields of society. And in present situation Gandhian studies and Women Empowerment is very relevant.
For us, thus class was a revelation which gave so many new valuable informations. We never heard these sides of Gandhiji. The class was really good.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


..I Felt Like Its Talking To Me..


Today all of us were so excited to meet Dr. Joju John, Assistant professor of Mar Theophilus Training college. He is a motivational speaker and he is now doing a programme(Subhachinda) in Akashavani, his research was in 'mind power development and subconscious power programming, his educational video in "Invest Inside" was really helpful for us during our BEd exams.
He reached at 9.45 and the session started at 10 after the official functions. His beginning made us be energetic. He started with a puzzle to make us think and to make class interesting. Then talked about oratory skills proposed by the great orator "Sukumar Azhikode". He said that only the peak experiences can lead us to legendary. 
Then he pointed out, 
 Fundamentals of Public Speaking
  • Appearance
  • Smart beginning
  • Use your total person
  • Super ideas should be given
  • Humour
  • Puzzles
  • Energy
  • Passion
  • Self confidence
  • Content knowledge
  • Authenticity
  • Practice for speech
  • Voice modulation
  • KISS - Keep It short and simple
  • Connection with audience
  • Repetition of main points
  • Should have a shock in it
  • Should be clear of what to do
What should be avoided in public speaking
  • Should not exceed.
  • Need to avoid standing still and should bring variety
  • Should not use inappropriate influence
  • Self boosting
  • Should not divert from the topic
  • Should not be lazy or unexcited.
They are the major points to improve. Then he gave us certain oratory skill practice. Then divided into groups and from each group one or two should be selected and need to present a two to three minutes speech. Me, Nanda, Athira Sreekumar, Ankitha, Keerthi, Nibin, Fathima, Jackcy, Mary Jaya, presented the speech which sir has recorded.

It was an amazing experience.
At the end Archa thanked to Joju sir for making this class interesting

As a student teacher, we should have excellence in oratory skills to make teaching learning process effective. This class made us understand its value, effectiveness and applicability. It was a great session

Monday, November 25, 2019


Alumini association conducted a talk about"Science in Everyday Life". The class was taken by Adarsh A.O from Kerala Mineral Development Corporation.
First, he gave an idea about what is Science? And then continued that,
A scientific facts should be,
✓ Repeatable
✓ Universal
✓ Falsifiable
Every scientific facts should have objectivity. It should be the truth about the natural world. 
Then he went through the false beliefs of society that Parecetamol is harmful. But he argued that it's not. Then he talked about false beliefs about Broiler chickens, Alcohol, Ajinomoto, Mobile phone, etc.
Then he said that each medicine is going through different process to reach people. They are:
Drug discovery -> pre clinical study -> Formulation -> Standardization -> Clinical trials -> Regulatory approval -> Pre medical study. 
Then he talked about IARC classifications of carcinogen. The class was good.. At the end Aawani expressed our heart felt thanks to him as well as our college..
As a student teacher this class made us understand the value of scientific discoveries. We understood how the word is manipulated. With the help of scuensc we can wipe out certain misconceptions. As a teacher we are the guide of future generations, so we should be aware of all these.

Friday, November 22, 2019


Today we got an opportunity to attend the class of Dr. S. Gopakumar, RMO of Government Ayurvedic Hospital, Trivandrum on the topic " Stress Management"
He started the class by saying that, he us going to tell us how we can tackle stress beautifully. The class was divided into three sections.
  1. What is Stress
  2. Stress Assessment Test
  3. Remedies or strategies to tackle stress
First he said that,
     Stress is a state of affair involving demand on physical or mental energy. It is a perturbation of body's homeostasis.
He nade us understand that if the important three domains: Attitude, Skill and Knowledge fails , then the stress will arose..Then he made us understand classification of stress, mindfulness,etc.
On the second section he conducted a "Stress Assessment Test" which contains 15 questions with 5 options for us to fill. Then he evaluated the test and found that the majority among us have moderate as well as high stress.
Then on the third session, he dealt with the remedies to tackle stress. They are:
  1. Positive Attitude
  2. Role of Yoga and Pranayama
  3. Time management
Benefits of the class
  1. It helped to develop positive attitude
  2. It helped to improve concentration
  3. Helped us to tackle stree effectively
  4. Improved self-esteem and self-confidence
His class was really interesting and helpful. It helped us to look into the beautiful bright side of life. I am sure that this session really inspired each one us and this will be helpful to become successful in life. As a student teacher we are going through a lot of this class made us happier as well as hopeful.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Try to find happiness even in small things. Live your life to the fullest.. 


..Happiness is seeing a flower..
" Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful: they are sunshine , food, and medicine for the soul"
                                              -  Luther Burbank

Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.. our college garden also has such a beautiful soul of nature.

Friday, November 1, 2019


Today was the oath taking ceremony which was a grand success. I am sure that all of them are really talented.. I am happy and is looking forward to see a better union which may provide us great memories.. Life is too short.. So I hope all Memories I receive from this college will be beautiful.. 

Leadership is a way of thinking, way of acting, way of behaving, way of understanding and above all respecting everyone.. 

"Coming together is a beginning,
Staying together is progress,
and working together is success."
                                                      - Henry Ford

I Wish All The Best To All My Friends..

Thursday, October 24, 2019


..A way to express out talents, skills and leadership quality..

Today we conducted an exhibition as part of our capacity building activity. As decided before we, English optional students exhibited charts, models based on our subject. Some took different authors and their biographies, some took poems, some made models about propositions, synonyms, etc. It was a great experience as we could see different varieties of presentation. As planned before we arranged and took writers in a chronological way and exposed our leadership quality as well as our unity to the entire college. Teachers and students appreciated us. 

Monday, October 21, 2019


  • In 1956 UGC was established as a statutory of Government of India
  •  Inquire into the financial needs of universities
  • Define the minimum standards of instruction for the grant of any degree
  • Allocates and distribute grants to the universities
  • Advise on the allocation of grants: establishment of new universities
  • Provide funds for the purpose of development, maintenance, specific purposes, general purposes, etc.
  • Recommend measures necessary for the improvement of university education
  • Ensures qualification of teaching staff of universities
  • UGC can take action against any university if they haven’t followed the instructions of the statutory body.
  • UGC Can collect necessary information not only from India but also from countries all over the world.
  • Have educational purposes with a vision of supervising, coordination, maintenance, development and to determine the standards of university education.




.. Model and chart making..

The chart and Model made for optional subject were really nice experience. I began to think and search for new ideas and concepts for my model. And tried to make it more colorful. 




.. New experience to teach based on Skill of stimulus variation..

It was a really challenging task, because we have to concentrate on the specific skills assigned to us. First we prepared a lesson plan and after the approval of teacher we decided to take the class. I chose my topic as "Prepositions" and made charts of it. As informed I took my micro teaching class imagining my friends as my students and 4 of them sat as observers to check my flaws and strengths. It went well. I completed my micro teaching within 7 min as I mentioned in my lesson plan. Both my class teacher and my friends appreciated me. It was an interesting, informative as well as fun filled experience. 


.. Seniors waked our taste buds with their Food Fest ..

Our seniors conducted a food fest in our college on the basis of their capacity building programme. It was a well  arranged function. There was a proper inauguration by our dear principal. The fest was really a success. They had a vast menu to fill our bellies. 


.. It made me believe in myself and I am sure I am in the right path..

Next day we were eager to get classes and the teachers were very much cooperative to give us their classes. Each day gave us new experiences. We felt innocent love of our students. On that day their was an assembly which made students aware of the importance of washing hands and the leader showed the pupil how to wash the hands and asked them to follow her.

On Wednesday for the first time I got 7A. It was anew experience to deal with the smaller kids. Their questions and talents were really amazing.

On Thursday our teacher Preetha ma'am came to observe our class and we were amazed that, how quite our 8B class was. They really concentrated on the class. I was prepared with an ICT session, but due to technical errors , I took the class in lecture method. But they were thorough with our portions. We took the lesson "Rosa Parks Sat Still". When ever we asked questions they were able to answer. I was happy that they understood the story. Later in other 8th classes I showed the videos of the lesson which made them clear with the story.

                                         A video on "Rosa Parks Sat Still"

When we become very much closer to them, they become eager to show us their talents. Devananda, a student of 8th standard showed us a picture she draw, which made us extremely happy.

On the last day we bought chocolates for them to say goodbye. But they were really sad of our departure. We three were so sad to leave from the school. They hugged and kissed us. We knew that, we will miss this school and our kids.

Most important thing is, I understood what is the feeling of our teachers when we answer to the questions well from their portions. We were able to understand and mingle with different kind of students from different background. Their was both English medium and Malayalam medium, so we also got chance to understand the differences. It was really a nice experience. This profession made me believe in myself more. I need to improve more to teach and need to produce a fruitful generation.

Teaching is not just a job or profession. Beyond salary, beyond a secure job, It is the only profession which can give us a respectable position in the society. It is the only profession which can make all other professions. More than anything a teacher need a passion to teach. And I believe I have that passion within me.

Monday, October 14, 2019


..First teaching experience as a teacher in Fort Mission Girls School..


On 14th October 2019 I entered into the Fort Mission School for first five days induction programme I was really scared. Not only me, with me there was Bisni and Viji. We met vice Principal Rani ma'am who was in charge of the school. We were assigned our portions each day morning. On the first day on third period, I got my first class, 8B. When I entered into the class students were so much excited. We met each other. I asked them to introduce themselves but they were more interested to here about me. Then I went to 8D in the 5th period. It was Malayalam medium class. They were restless but I loved their energy to express themselves in front of me. The magical word "Teacher"  really filled our hearts. First day went well. We were waiting for the next day to come.



Sunday, September 29, 2019


..Gave experience of African land and out burst of  imagination..

"A writer without interest or sympathy for the foibles of his fellowman is not conceivable as a writer"
                                                                                                                                   - Joseph Conrad

Polish - born English novelist Joseph Conrad is one of the greatest modern writers of England. His novels reflect his concerns with the complex individual, and how sympathy and imagination can blur clear judgment which is essential to life. The character development in Conrad`s books are engaging and powerful.

His earlier works reflected his visits as a merchant mariner and his exploration to distant lands. They are :

"An Outcast of the Islands"(1896)
"The Nigger of Narcissus"(1897)
"The Heart of Darkness"(1899)
"Lord Jim"(1899)

Next novels reflected his political side 

"Nostromo" (1904)
"The Secret Agent" (1907)
"Under Westerns Eyes"(1911)
The Shadow Line (1915)

In 1923 he declines Knighthood in England. On August 3, 1924 Conrad died of a heart attack and was buried at Canterbury, England. His grave stone bears lines of Edmund Spenser as 

"Sleep after toyle, Port after stormie seas/ Ease after warre, Death after Life, does greatly please"

Heart of Darkness is one of my favourite work by him. The story centers around Marlow, an introspective sailor and his journey to congo river to meet Kurtz. The story is really interesting as it explains the wilderness of African forest, its tribe and how the western man changed over a period of time as he lived there. It exposes the viewpoint of the colonizers and colonized people and how they are exploited. It is frame narrative, circular narrative many motifs, symbols and themes are there. It can be connected to Dante`s Inferno, Marxism, Archetypal, psychological aspects, etc. The story reveals that Darkness is not in the jungle alone, its everywhere, even in the hearts of every human being. Conrad was successful to make his reader imagine the story and we will feel our presence in the story.  


"My task, which I am trying to achieve is, by the power of the written words, to make you hear, to make you feel - It is, before all, to make you see"
                                                                                                                                - Joseph Conrad


..To become protective angels to our little innocent angels ..

As a teacher it is important for us to learn about laws related to children. Our college has arranged a session to make us aware of the POCSO ACT, which was taken by sister Biji Jose CMC, the Member of Kerala Child Rights Commission on 27 September 2019.
She made us understand, how in the present society children suffer. As a teacher we have to understand problems of each child and solve it. If it is serious as sexual, physical or mental harass by someone, as the guardian angel of our students we have to protect them and inform the legal system. The class was informative as well as helped us to understand how to deal with POSCO Act related problems as well as other problems of children.

Sister Biji Jose

Saturday, September 21, 2019


..To make us entrepreneurs.. To improve creativity..

Yesterday was our art education class. It was really amazing. The student teachers lakshmi, joshna and sister among us taught each of us greeting card making, fabric painting and glass painting. All were ready with their images to draw. Every needed accessories were given to us. It was really nice experience. 

Fabric Painting

Greeting Card