Tuesday, December 10, 2019


..Essent Awareness to Know About Our own rights..

Human rights logo
Human-rights day is celebrated on December 10. The date was chosen to honor the United Nations General Assembly's adoption and proclamation, on 10 December 1948, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The day is normally marked both by high-level political conferences and meetings and by cultural events and exhibitions dealing with human rights issues. Today we celebrated it in our college. It was to make everyone aware that, every humanbeing has same rights regardless of their sex, caste, religion, race, colour, etc. 

Ms. Joshna presented a speech on the importance of this day and how it was originated. Ms. Athira continued by adding examples of human-rights violation in the present society. After that Preetha ma'am consolidated the topic with more informations. It was really informative and relevant to us as student teachers. It made us realise that, as a teacher and humanbeing, we should be aware of our rights as well as the rights of our students. We should make the pupil aware of their rights to freedom, live, educate, etc. A person with good awareness of his or her own rights will also learn to respect others. 

Then we our college conducted a poster making competition.

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