Monday, November 25, 2019


Alumini association conducted a talk about"Science in Everyday Life". The class was taken by Adarsh A.O from Kerala Mineral Development Corporation.
First, he gave an idea about what is Science? And then continued that,
A scientific facts should be,
✓ Repeatable
✓ Universal
✓ Falsifiable
Every scientific facts should have objectivity. It should be the truth about the natural world. 
Then he went through the false beliefs of society that Parecetamol is harmful. But he argued that it's not. Then he talked about false beliefs about Broiler chickens, Alcohol, Ajinomoto, Mobile phone, etc.
Then he said that each medicine is going through different process to reach people. They are:
Drug discovery -> pre clinical study -> Formulation -> Standardization -> Clinical trials -> Regulatory approval -> Pre medical study. 
Then he talked about IARC classifications of carcinogen. The class was good.. At the end Aawani expressed our heart felt thanks to him as well as our college..
As a student teacher this class made us understand the value of scientific discoveries. We understood how the word is manipulated. With the help of scuensc we can wipe out certain misconceptions. As a teacher we are the guide of future generations, so we should be aware of all these.

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