Thursday, November 28, 2019


.. A Day of revelation about Gandhiji for us..

Our college has arranged a class of Dr. V. Raghu, HOD of Mar Theophilus Training College. He has achieved a lot of prestigious awards oncludiin UNESCO Award, Excellence Award from University of Kerala, Sardar Patel Award,etc.

He beginned by saying that Gandhiji as a person was born in Porbandhar, Gujrat. But Father of our nation, the great 'Mahatma' was born in Pietermaritzburg railway station where he was thrown out of the train for being Indian even if he had a first class ticket on 1893.
In 1930, TIMES magazine glorified Gandhiji as "Man of the Year". 
He then continued talking about Gandhiji, his life, contributions and how we, the Indian and the western people consider him. For us he is just the father of our nation. But even if Gandhiji was their enemy, western people consider him as a great person of extraordinary personality.
Then he get deep into the subject of Gandhiji and Women Empowerment. First, he showed us a scene from the movie "Gandhiji" which reveal his attitude towards women. Gandhiji reapected women and believed that women is more powerful than men. 

Then he shared his views of women empowerment, women subjugation, oppression and objectification in our society. I personally feel that, he was not afraid to bring out the reality to us. We were so happy that atleast he is supporting women. Then he divided us into groups and gave us different extracts of Gandhi's letter to Kasthoorba Gandhi, Gandhi's letter to Sarojini Naidu and Gandhi's thoughts on role women in society and women empowerment.
He winded up the class concluding that Gandhiji is a person touched all fields of society. And in present situation Gandhian studies and Women Empowerment is very relevant.
For us, thus class was a revelation which gave so many new valuable informations. We never heard these sides of Gandhiji. The class was really good.

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