Friday, November 22, 2019


Today we got an opportunity to attend the class of Dr. S. Gopakumar, RMO of Government Ayurvedic Hospital, Trivandrum on the topic " Stress Management"
He started the class by saying that, he us going to tell us how we can tackle stress beautifully. The class was divided into three sections.
  1. What is Stress
  2. Stress Assessment Test
  3. Remedies or strategies to tackle stress
First he said that,
     Stress is a state of affair involving demand on physical or mental energy. It is a perturbation of body's homeostasis.
He nade us understand that if the important three domains: Attitude, Skill and Knowledge fails , then the stress will arose..Then he made us understand classification of stress, mindfulness,etc.
On the second section he conducted a "Stress Assessment Test" which contains 15 questions with 5 options for us to fill. Then he evaluated the test and found that the majority among us have moderate as well as high stress.
Then on the third session, he dealt with the remedies to tackle stress. They are:
  1. Positive Attitude
  2. Role of Yoga and Pranayama
  3. Time management
Benefits of the class
  1. It helped to develop positive attitude
  2. It helped to improve concentration
  3. Helped us to tackle stree effectively
  4. Improved self-esteem and self-confidence
His class was really interesting and helpful. It helped us to look into the beautiful bright side of life. I am sure that this session really inspired each one us and this will be helpful to become successful in life. As a student teacher we are going through a lot of this class made us happier as well as hopeful.

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