Thursday, February 25, 2021

Third week of Teaching Practice

 The third week of teaching practice was from 16 February 2021. I began to teach the lesson "Matchbox" by Ashapurna Debi. It was a good chapter which compares women to matchbox, which means women sit meek and calm but they have the power to burn a Lanka itself. I was happy that, the plus two chapters are really good and they even focus on themes like women empowerment and its importance. 

The story was good. There was a very interesting experience based on this lesson in my class. The character Ajit has an ugly habit of reading the letters of his wife. But its a bad habit and everyone knows it. But my students were not ready to consider his habit as a bad thing. They believe in the rights of a husband to read the letters or anything that is owned by the wife. I was not that surprised because I expected this answer. So I worked so hard to made them understand the way Ajit could have been reacting if his wife did the same and like that. It was an interesting week.

Then on 22 February 2021 I gave them a diagnostic test and I understood that, they have difficulty in learning the spelling of words.

On 23 February 2021, I gave them remedial teaching for spelling mistakes. I gave them the correct meaning and example of the word "Consensus" which was given in the question paper. then I found 10 words from a chapter and explained it meaning and examples in a chart paper and PPT to make the word thorough for them. Then I put a dictation for them, which showed a slight change in the results. Then I presented a chart with squares are drawn with certain words written in clockwise and anticlockwise directions. It was an interesting session. They began to try hard to find the word. For the person finding the answer first I gave a chocolate as the reward.

Then on 24 February 2021, I gave them an achievement test to check whether they understood the lessons taught by me.

I am really happy with this teaching practice as I got a chance to be physically present in my classrooms in front of my students. I was able to implement certain strategies and learnt to control the classroom. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Third Week Peer Teaching

 The third week peer teaching was from 17 February 2021. I finished the lesson "Crime and Punishment " on  17 February itself. After that I planned to teach grammar portions using Concept attainment teaching, Direct Instruction Model and Advance Organizer Model.Then at the end I taught "The Race " from 9th standard and finished my peer teaching. Teaching the grammar portions was a good experience. I am always scared to take grammar portions, but whenever I take grammar portions my peer members used to appreciate me and gave me positive feedback. The peer teaching was going in parallel with the teaching practice which helped me a lot.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Second week peer teaching

Second week of peer teaching was from 11 February 2021. I continued to teach the lesson "Crime and Punishment". This lesson has humour ans some satirical elements which can make it interesting for the students. I started to refer more on dictionaries as I have to explain the meaning of words to my students. Th peer members are active in asking doubts and difficult words which helped me to improve myself. I received many positive feedback. I am so happy with the peer teaching as I was able to improve m self in grammatical knowledge, pronunciation, etc. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Second Week Report of Teaching Practice

 The second week of teaching practice was from 8 February 2021. I decided to take the lesson "A Three Wheeled Revolution". It was an interview with Irfan Alam, an entrepreneur and it reveals about his life as an entrepreneur. It was the day when our teachers came for observing our class. I was slightly nervous, but I was ab;e to take the class very well. But I made a pronunciation mistake which I corrected on the next day. The first day I gave them certain information regarding the wealthiest entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos, Elan Musk, Bill Gates, etc.They were really interested in understanding about them. 

The same lesson lasted till 15 February 2021. The whole week helped me to understand their interest towards audio visual aids and images. So I started to include many videos and images to attract their attention and it was a success. I used videos to make sure they understand the values received from the lesson. I am sure that, this lesson has made them to think about their own entrepreneur ideas and the importance of doing something that we love. They were interested to do word puzzles and small activities, so included entry activities that are beneficial for them. Sometimes they were not interested to do activities, especially to write. But I had to make them write so I gave them clues to write the answers and rewards were given to those who wrote well following all the rules of the activity. 

This week was very interesting as I learnt many things like to understand the difficulties of my students, understanding their interests and I was able to control the class well. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

First Week of Second Phase Teaching Practice

 The first week of our teaching practice was from 1 February 2021 to 5 February 2021.

Our teaching practice was for plus two students of GHSS Medical College. The first we introduced ourselves and mingled with the students of all batches. We gave them a clear idea about their chapters and English textbook. From the interaction we understood that they are not that familiar with plus two textbooks and they are not able to completely follow English language. 

On the second day, as planned before I decided to teach "3Ls of Empowerment". Students were excited and eager to listen to the class as I was the new student teacher. I presented the PPt and asked certain questions for which they interacted well. I was nervous at the beginning but O was able to do well. I was forced to use malayalam language as they are not able to completely follow English language. 

On the third day, I continued to teach the same lesson and included interesting activities to identify certain empowered women and begab to teach the lesson. I taught well using the PPT. It was good to listen to their ideas and slogans when I gave them time to prepare placards.

On the fourth day I took the next session of the same chapter which made them understand the importance of 'labour' in life. I explained the content and they shared their ideas about their dream job and interesting reasons for which they need a job. I was careful to clarify their doubts and pronunciation errors. I used audio visual aids to attract their attention. 

On the fifth day I taught the last portion of the same lesson which is leadership. It can be achieved through education and labour. They were able to identify some of the great leaders when I showed them their images. It was interesting and entertaining as some where guessing who it is๐Ÿ˜‚. Ithe class went well in the first week and I am so happy with it.

First Week of Peer Teaching


On 28 January 2011 we started our peer teaching practice. Due to the pandemic situation and our teaching practice, our peer teaching was conducted through online. We were divided different groups. 

I started to take "On Killing A Tree" by Gieve Patel . On the first day we were lucky enough to take the peer teaching in our college itself. So I used charts and activity cards. Then the next  peer teaching was on 6th February 2021. I continued to teach the same poem for two days and it was finished. I used the audio visual aids and PPT to make the class interesting for the students. I gave them interesting activities to do and videos to watch and understand the values of the chapter. The next chapter was "Crime and Punishment" which created an extra interest in them. Because it was a chapter from the plus two class and none of them were quite familiar with plus two portions. So they were very eager to listen. My peer members were Fatima and Balu. I watched their peer teaching ans I was able to see the improvement. Because we were in the same peer group in the peer teaching practice of last semester. I continued to teach the lesson because it was a lengthy lesson. But each day I tried to include videos and to male  my PPT attractive so that their focus will not be faded. It was a good week. I got positive feedback and some negative feedback which will; be improved in the next week.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Second Phase Teaching Practice- Day 1

 Today was the first day of our teaching practice. We were divided into groups and were assigned with different schools. Athira Sreekumar, Reshma, Lakshmi, Keerthi, Mary Jaya, Aswathy, Akshaya, Sharon and me got an opportunity to take live classes in Government Higher Secondary School, Medical College. 

It was the first day and we were really nervous. It was our first time to teach in  a real school time settings. But the first day went well. We interacted with the students and we were able to understand their ability and certain weaknesses.