Friday, June 19, 2020


.. Each day reading give us a new experience..

 “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” – George R.R. Martin

June 19 is celebrated as National Reading Day to honor the life and works of P.N. Panicker, a teacher from Kerala. As part of the reading day, as every year our college decided to conduct reading day functions to make us, the budding teachers remember our duties to enhance reading skills in students. On 19th June 2020, our college decided to celebrate the reading day. The programme was scheduled from morning 10 am. Due to Covid- 19 we conducted it through online resources. It was conducted through Google meet. Our beloved guest was DR. P. Bhaskaran Nair. The function beginned with the prayer of Nanda to have the blessing of God. Then Then everyone was welcomed by our dearest Principal maam, Dr. M S Geetha. Then presidential address was given by Rev. Fr. Dr. Sony Sebastian. 

Our guest joined us even if he was travelling to his home due to Covid circumstances, His words were truly amazing and inspiring. He started mentioning about how a child begin to read. He said that a child start to function through language while he is at 18 months. How each grandmas at home is influencing the reading habit of the child. The first stage of reading is important too. child become part of grandmas`s reading, But he is not reading with his lips but with his mind. This is the earliest stage of reading. And Bhaskaran sir said that he want to highlight on this stage. Because as the future teachers, we have to start it from the home, then to our class. A family member who read newspaper or book daily will influence a child. There is a very good possibilty for the child to become a good reader. There is no need to teach reading. We should read, read and read for them. It will become a part of their life and it will become an interest and this interest will be lasting through out their life. 

Then he quoted words of famous people mentioning about importance of reading. Each time we read it is being imprinted in our mind. Studying for our exams is different from reading something. In reading something other than for study , it need interest and we need to travel beyond the boarders. It should make us think critical and all. and he mentioned about many other things and we concluded the official function.

After the function, our college conducted a newspaper reading competition through the google meet.  They conducted English as well as Malayalam newspaper reading. Many of us participated and  it was a nice experience, but their was network issues too. But I am happy that they took an initiative to over come our physical barriers and conducted it through communicative networks.

I am happy that I got second price for Malayalam newspaper reading competition.

Reading Day Quiz Competition

Our college has conducted an online quiz competition, in which I participated and won the audience round. I never expected, but I did it. I am so happy. 


Thursday, June 11, 2020


Last day theme was Communication and Success.

I contacted Stephy and introduced the theme in detail. Then I assigned her with activities. The first activity was to read a short story and write its review and about the moral in the story. Second activity was to write a short description about how communication changed and improved over a period of time. Third activity was to write her opinion about dreams campaign comparing first and second year and differences they found in both years. She agreed to finish it on time. I tried to contact Aleena on the same day, but she was not available. Later she contacted me and I assigned her the three activities. First activity was to read a short story and to prepare a review and to describe about the moral they found in it. Second activity was to communicate with parents and ask about the successful events in their life. Third activity was to write her opinion about dreams campaign and to point out the differences they found in both years. In the evening she contacted me again to ask me, to change the second activity because her parents said that, they had no success in their life. I had no other choice, so I changed the second activity to write a short description about how the ways of communication changed and improved over a period of time. On the last day I contacted Stephy but she completed only one activity and asked for more time. Then she wrote it and sends through whatsapp. In the first activity, she wrote about a beautiful story she read before and explained morals like we should not hurt others and greed for money will destroy friendship and love, etc. In the second activity, she wrote about, how she communicate with others and how her parents communicated in their childhood with others. Along with that she mentioned how, in this Covid situation they are finding time to communicate within their family. In the third activity she explained about how much she like dreams program. She said that she like each activities, script plays, games conducted by mentees. She likes to spend summer camp with friends and mentees rather than spending time through mobile phones. She wanted to play and work together with friends in camp. She told me that she miss those days.
I contacted Aleena, she finished two activities on time. And shared through Whatsapp. I called her and she explained the second activity and pointed out the differences in communication now and then. She explained about the communication through mobile, TV and internet and how it varied from family face to face communication, etc. Then she explained about the story she read and pointed out the moral values she received from it, like man is important than money, religion doesn’t matters, we should love each other, etc. She was finding it difficult to write about dreams program. She was more interested to talk about it. But I insisted on writing. So she wrote it beautifully explaining about the dreams project and she said that she misses her mentees and likes to do activities in the summer camp than through this online class. Both my mentees are ok with the online classes. But they like our usual summer camp more. They are constantly asking me about next camp and are eagerly waiting for next meet up.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


..The forth day theme was You and Your Community..

I contacted stephy in the evening. And introduced the theme of the day. I explained about what is a community and how we are connected to our community. She was eagerly listening. Then I gave her 3 activities. First one was to write her view about an ideal community or neighbourhood and to find out the negatives in her community and to suggest various solutions to solve it. Second activity given was to clean her courtyard with family or siblings. The third activity was to describe in short, as an individual what changes that she wants to bring in her community to improve it to a better one. I contacted Aleena and enquired about her day and introduced the new theme. She was not that happy with the theme. Because she doesn't want to write it. But still for me she agreed to write. I gave the first activity to clean the courtyard with her family, to create an interest. Because she likes to do household works than writing. Then she was boosted up and the second activity was to list out the things she knows about her neighbour and to check whether they are fine or not. She was happy with that activity. The third activity was to right write about the changes she wanted to bring in her community to make it a better one

On the day 8, I contacted Stephy on the next day. But she hadn't finished the activity due to school works. Then I contacted her the very next day and she described her own activities. She wrote only two of them. She cleaned her courtyard with her family. And she wrote about her community and what are the negatives she found in her community and how she wanted to solve those problems to make it an ideal community. She pointed out negatives like throwing trashes on the road, burning plastics and so much more. Then I called her in the evening and she explained about the next activity in which she described how she wanted her community to be and what changes she wanted to bring in. She wanted to help many of the poor people in her community, she wanted people to clean the seashore and not to through, plastic into the sea, etc. It was an interesting session, because she found small details which she knew about her community. I called Aleena for two days. But on the first day she was not available and on the second day she hadn't finished the activity. So I waited one day for her to finish the activities. Then I contacted her and enquired about the activities. The first activity she had done was to clean her courtyard with family and send me the photos through WhatsApp. In the second activity, she listed out the names of her neighbours and shared all the details she knew about them along with that she enquired whether they are safe or not along with their family. She is happy that she got a wonderful neighbourhood. In the third activity, she pointed out the changes she wanted to bring around her family and community which was really amazing.

Sunday, June 7, 2020


.. Each day is a new experience..

The third theme was " Team Work". It was an interesting session. I contacted both Aleens and Stephy and discussed about the teamwork and its importance. They shared the difficulty to write these activities along with school works. But when I convinced them to find at least half an hour a day for these activities, both of them agreed. I was happy that they are interested to cooperate with me. I gave them the first activity to write down what things they and their family can do as a team to protect themselves from COVID 19. We discussed about the various measures to prevent Covid19. Then I gave them the second activity to write one memory with their friends that describes the importance of teamwork and whether that teamwork was a success. They are always happy to write about their friends. Then I gave the third activity to do a team activity with parents or siblings to inculcate the values of teamwork in her. I talked with their parents to help them and they were happy to do that. 

When I contacted them on the next day they presented me the completed activities. I am extremely happy that both of them wrote well. Both of them clearly pointed out the necessary measures to be taken care of during these time of Covid- 19. In the first activity, Aleena has described how to prevent Covid19 by wearing masks, using hand sanitizer, washing hands with soup, etc. Stephy wrote about how each family member should take care of themselves as well as other family members. She wrote about what each person should do when they are going outside their home. And what everyone should do when they come back to their home, like before entering into the house they should wash their hands with soup, etc. On the second activity, Aleena described how together with friends, she created an English magazine on the topic 'man made hazards'. Stephy described her memory of helping the cleaner in school, together with friends. She told me that it was to escape from the class. But their teamwork helped the cleaner to finish the job early and it made them happy.On the third activity to help parents, both of them had done an amazing job. Both of them helped their parents in cleaning the rooms, washing cloths,etc. I am so happy, that they have a heart to help their family and have good knowledge about how to prevent Covid in these emergency situation. It is a relief for me. I am happy that I am a part of their life now. 

Thursday, June 4, 2020


The second day theme was " Friends and Life success". I gave them three activities based on the theme. Both of them were happy to hear about the theme because its related to friends. The first activity was to write the strength and weakness of her best friends. Stephy wrote about her best friend Jiya and clearly pointed out what are her strengths and weaknesses. The second activity was to write about the qualities she had identified in her best friend and what Stephy like the most about her best friend. I was very anxious to hear her answers. She was very well aware about her friend. It was an interesting session. The third activity was to write a letter to her friend to describe how she is spending her quarantine days. Stephy wrote a beautiful letter in which she enquired about her friend's
parents, what should we do to prevent Covid19 and how she is spending her days at home. I was really impressed by her letter.

I also contacted Aleena. The first activity I gave her was to write about her best friend, her qualities and what she likes the most about her best friend. Second activity was to write about a good incident and a bad incident with your friend or friends. Third activity was to write a letter to her best friend telling how she is spending her quarantine days. She was not that happy to write three activities, but agreed to write it.I contacted her on the next day and she read the activities to me. It was a beautifully written document. In the first activity, Aleena wrote about her best friend Hersha, her qualities like respecting and obeying parents, Hersha has a kind heart to help others. It was a nice day and a good experience. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


- A step to a new beginning-

We started the 10 day programme of DREAMS. Usually it is a 5 day camp in Christ Nagar college, But due to COVID 19 we decided to conduct the programme through online and by calling them directly through mobile phones. We were given the curriculum for second years and the themes for each days.  After giving each mentors at least two mentees, we decided to start it on June1. On the first day we contacted our own mentees and talked with their parents too about continuing the programme and discussed about the first theme. My mentees are Stephy and Aleena. On the first day I contacted each of them. Both of them were happy that we are conducting the programme through online and through mobile phones. 

we explained about the first theme "You and Your Family". It was a theme to make them understand the importance of family, to strengthen their family relationship, etc. I gave my mentees two activities. On the first day I gave them an activity to write a biography of his parents. I asked them to collect all interesting elements they wants to know about their parents. The next activity was to write a short note about each one of them`s favourite memory with her family. They were very enthusiastic to hear it. I clarified their doubts and made sure that they understood the activities. Then I asked their parents to support their daughter to finish the tasks. They were ready to help. As it was the first experience, I was a little nervous. But when I interacted with Stephy, Aleena and their mothers, I became more confident. Both of them were very enthusiastic to do all the activities. I am sure that ,during the end of these days Stephy and Aleena will be able to find new information. I hope that along with her I can also learn more.

On the second day I contacted them. They were waiting for me to call them and to explain to me what they have done. I was so happy to see their activities and energy. Both of them found many new information about their mother and wrote it beautifully on a book which they have to submit during the next camp. I am so happy that they are finding time to do all these activities in between their school activities through online. As it was the first two days, I am so happy and satisfied. It was a new experience for me.