Friday, December 4, 2020

Online Teaching Practice - Last Week Report

The next week online teaching practice was from 30 November 2020 to 4 December 2020. It was an amazing experience. When the teaching practice came to an end, we really miss our students. On the last day, students were so happy and they asked us to meet them when covid 19 locked down is removed. I am so happy that, I was able to impress them and they really shared their love and happiness with me. 

The last week class was for 6th standard and 7th standard. I took Quality and Fair Play for them. As the days came to an end, I can understand the happiness of being a teacher. The way they wish us, the authority we feel for them, their love, joy and it was really an amazing experience which made me passionate to follow my dream to become a better teacher. 

I made improvement in classroom management, I was careful not to make any mistakes and always tried to include physical aids in my class which was appreciated by the teachers who observed my class. I am happy with my teaching practice and I am happy that, I chose this profession as my passion.

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