Saturday, July 27, 2019


..Its not about what you teach..Its about how you teach..

We saw another humourous and inspiring talk of Irish observational comedian and satirist Dave Allen.

The video "Teaching your kid time" is verymuch interesting. Dave show us how parents teach their children to read the clock and how weird it is. It really caught our attention that how we shouldnot teach our kids, not only about time but incase of any subject. As a student teacher or parent we need patience to teach and listen.

But another thing that caught my attention or which made me more fascinated to it, is the way he imagined a child in front of him. There was only one empty chair near him, but throughout the talk he made us engaged without any distraction. We will never felt like there is no kid on the stage. That is a really big quality according to me. imagination power is so great. And the way he coordinated his talk is amazing.

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