Wednesday, July 31, 2019


..chance to identify & improve our language skills..

On 22 August 2019 we conducted a debate in our classroom on the topic "Whether western influence on Indian culture boon or curse ". For and against was assigned to two groups. We were given  two days to think, research, analyse and plan our session.

The debate started in a slowpace but later it ended after two hours with hot arguments. Both teams expresses there ideas and facts with proves. Teacher was there to maintain a controlled, friendly environment.

I was in the first group which support the influence of western culture in Indian culture as a boon. We made our points clear. The second team was little afraid at the beginning, but they catch up with us easily. The active participants were Me, Lakshmi, Athira Sreekumar, Mary Jaya, Keerthi, Aavani, Balu. But everyone in the class had participated.

From this debate, we were able to make class more lively. It helped us to partially overcome our inhibition to speak and improved our listening, speaking, writing and reading skills. We also understood that we have to improve our language skills more with the help of these kind of activities. At the end teacher appreciated us for our efforts. This session really made us happy and we enjoyed it well.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


When we were informed about our freshers day celebration we were nervous. We were afraid of ragging, but they gave us a hearty welcome and said that we all are equal. What ever we do, we will do it together. They really made us happy and motivated us. We introduced each of us and they conducted certain interesting games. The best part of the programme was the way they allotted certain games to our male friends which was so funny.

We never felt the difference between us and them. It was an oppurtunity to know each other. At the end they published the college magazine "EPISTEME". It was published by giving a copy of it, to the magazine editor by principal.

Overall, the day was really amazing which will always reside in our heart.

Monday, July 29, 2019


..Chance to live as a Character for sometime..

Days before, with the help of class teacher we decided to  perform a drama of our own choice as "Class Association Activity'. We were divided into five groups with five members in each. Each group selected different scenes from different Shakespearean tragedies. Our group was so much interested in Macbeth. So we choose it, wrote script, rehearsed for two to three days.




Today as decided before, we enacted a beautiful scene from one of the greatest tragedy, Macbeth by William Shakespeare in our optional class. It was a really amazing experience. During rehearsal hours we were so confused and tensed. But we were able make it. It was a really amazing experience.

          We choose first scene and half of second scene to enact. Meera, Athira, Ankitha and Divya were in my team. All my team members were so excited to be a part of it. With unity we were able to provide a visual treat to the audience. After the drama, we were appreciated by both teacher and our friends. Meera was the best actor in our troupe. She excelled in the role of first witch. The way they all acted really made me proud. All are talented. Even if it was not perfect, it really entertained the audience. So we consider it as a successful event.

Saturday, July 27, 2019


..Its not about what you teach..Its about how you teach..

We saw another humourous and inspiring talk of Irish observational comedian and satirist Dave Allen.

The video "Teaching your kid time" is verymuch interesting. Dave show us how parents teach their children to read the clock and how weird it is. It really caught our attention that how we shouldnot teach our kids, not only about time but incase of any subject. As a student teacher or parent we need patience to teach and listen.

But another thing that caught my attention or which made me more fascinated to it, is the way he imagined a child in front of him. There was only one empty chair near him, but throughout the talk he made us engaged without any distraction. We will never felt like there is no kid on the stage. That is a really big quality according to me. imagination power is so great. And the way he coordinated his talk is amazing.

Friday, July 26, 2019


..language is arbitrary..learn it with passion..

We saw a new funny video. It was a scene taken from "The Detour : Welcome to Alaska", which is a famous American Television Series. It is well known as one of the leading TBS comedy. It is created by Jason James and Samantha Bee.

As an English student teacher, I am interested in this scene, because this video make us understand how the meaning of each word change according to the context or situation. 

This is actually a funny scene, but the small hidden meaning I found here is how the word "served" created a confusion in a child. To avoid such incidents, we must teach and learn English or any other language in an interesting, effective and communicative way.

As a student teacher I will try my best to make my students love their language and prosper in it.


..Never be a slave to what we created..

Today we saw an interesting, thoughtful talk of Trevor Noah who is a famous South African comedian, producer, actor and television host. He is well known for hosting an American satirical news program.

Trevor Noah

The way he talk, his interaction level really inspired all of us in the class. He was talking so fast, but the way he communicated with facial expressions, gestures and language skill are really amazing.


In his talk, he interestingly convey the bad influences of mobile phones. Make us aware that we are becoming slaves to cell phones and forget our on individuality. In a particular place we feel derogatory usage about women, but other than that when considered it is so good.

As a student teacher I have a positive approach towards things. So I am so much inspired in the way he approached, created interest, maintained it with the audience throughout the programme.

I am posting this for everyone to mould our selves by improving our skills.

Thursday, July 25, 2019


..Be Somebody to the Unknown..

Today we happend to watch a  TED TALK by Rita Pierson. It is highly inspiring which make us believe that we are born to be educators.. 

she said,

I am somebody
I was somebody when I came
I will be a better somebody when I leave

These lines really touched my heart.. Now I strongly believe that I will be a better teacher and a better person when I leave my BEd college. I may be able to bring a change in the life of my students.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


..a new path to entrepreneurship..

It was a great day. We were previously informed about the "SUPW" (Socially Useful Productive Work) programme. We were so excited to hear it, because we were not aware of what it really was. Then teachers explained that, it is a programme which will enable us to become an entrepreneur. The programme was conducted and controlled by Soosy ma'am. She explained us that, after the programme we were selected to make three items which are chartpaper file, paper carry bag, and book making and binding. It was an interesting session.

We started first with book making and binding. It needed materials like 50 A4 size papers, cardboard, fevicol, calico and gift paper. It lasted till forenoon.

Binded Books (100 pages)

After noon we made two items. Paper carry bag and chart file. Paper carry bags were made with newspaper, tag, eyelet, eyelet puncher, paper puncher, and a piece of card board.

Paper Carry Bag
Paper Carry Bag


Then we moved into chart file making with materials like chart, scale, pencil, eyelets, eyelet puncher, hammer and tag.

Chart Files

The entire day of the programme was really memorable, inspiring and useful.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


..To Express Myself..

Today was the day to showcase my talent in the "Talent Search" initiative. I was very happy and little tensed to exhibit my talent in craft making. As planned before I brought a flower vase made of newspaper, cardboard, black acrylic colour, golden lace and golden beads. Everyone was excited to see it. After that I demonstrated how to assemble it, which was my first attempt in explaining how to make a craft in front of such an audience.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


..To create new innovations..

The new initiative of our college titled "Talent Search" has been started two days ago. We were tensed and confused about the new programme. But after the first day, it was a great experience. It was a stage for us to express our craftsmanship to the entire college. Teachers will choose us randomly, so we have to be prepared well for every day. Now each of us is enthusiastically waiting for our next opportunity. I feel so happy that my friends are so talented. The programme helps us to identify our own talents and interests. There are excellent cooks, craft makers, magician, video editor, photographers, singers, dancers and so on. My class is full of talented members, which make me feel proud that I am a part of such a wonderful class.

Friday, July 12, 2019


Robert Frank Mager

Dr. Robert Frank Mager was born 10 of June in 1923. He was an American psychologist and author. Mager was recognized for his training and education. He introduced learning objectives, Criterion Referenced Instruction(CRI) and self-paced Multimedia courses, as well as addressing areas of goal orientation, student evaluation, student motivation, classroom environment, educational change, performance technology, and instructional design. Besides that, Mager was also one of the founders of International Society for performance improvement in 1962. his notable work is Preparing Instructional Objectives.

Thursday, July 11, 2019



"Education must be increasingly concerned about the fullest development of all children and youth, and it will be the responsibility of the schools to seek learning conditions which will enable each individual to reach the highest level of learning"
- Benjamin Bloom

Benjamin Samuel Bloom (1913 –1999) was an American educational psychologist who made contributions to the classification of educational objectives and to the theory of mastery learning. He is noted for developing the comprehensive system of describing and assessing educational outcomes in the mid-1950s. In 1956, Benjamin Bloom published a framework for categorizing educational goals: Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Familiarly known as Bloom’s Taxonomy which promotes higher forms of thinking in education, such as analyzing and evaluating rather than just remembering facts.

Know Me And Be A Part of My Journey

Hello there I'm Adithya M. I live with my family in Chirayinkeezhu, as you may not know much about chirayinkeezhu, Its a quiet nice place a bit away from the city rush and fuss.Usually people know it as the birth place of great actor PremNazir. I did my schooling from G.U.P.S Palavila, G.G.H.S.S Attingal and P.N.M.G.H.S.S. Koonthalloor, Chirayinkeezhu and completed my degree and post graduation at Sn college chempazhanthy.My hobbies are craftworks, reading books, movies and I do draw often.
              I had a teacher in my school days who inspired me a lot. I cant even explain in words how she inspired me. She taught us English at her home because she was not in a good physical condition. But still she was able to teach us in an interesting way. She always guided me to what's right. When I was in my plus one, she passed away. I was shocked, I become so much depressed. After that I never went to anyone else for English tuition, I started learning my self, began to follow what she had told me. She always told that never score less than A+ for English. I passed plus one and plus two with an A+ for English which was her wish. The way she taught, her affection towards us, her knowledge, her passion for teaching even if she was not well, really moved me. So I decided to took English as my career to follow
                I always admired my teachers alot that they are the one who show us the right path. I always Believe that a good teacher is someone who teach the students to become a good human being know what's right and wrong. Teachers can make any change, they can bring light to the darkness in our minds. So here I'm in pursuit to be that light. I invite all of you to be a part of my journey to become a good teacher to mould good individuals for tomorrow.

Monday, July 8, 2019

A Day With Mother Nature

..A New Gardening Experience..

Our own nature is mother of all the source and her green is our life's elixir in every sense..the green
which gives life.. the green which gives positivity..the green which is prime of all existence.. so our purpose is to maintain the nature's equilibrium and our surroundings for attain a positivity in our minds. So we just started an initiative for a better surroundings and for the green#gogreen