Saturday, October 3, 2020


= is better than =/=

In the precious days, we discussed and learned about gender, gender equality, gender bias, etc in our online classroom. There was different opinions and thoughts. It was an interesting session. 

Sex is biological and gender is socially constructed. Gender equality is when people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities. Everyone is affected by gender inequality - women, men, trans and gender diverse people, children and families. There are biased attitude toward everyone. But many of us generalize it for the category of women. But I think that, not only women, even men are facing harassment, biases and inequality. In every fields like education, military, job, films, sports, household, college politics, etc.

Gender is something we constructed. So equality is something we should give each other. I believe that, no one is superior or inferior to anyone. Every human being and animals have equal rights in this earth to freely live, talk, eat, enjoy, follow their values, religion, culture, dreams, etc. The only thing that matters is how we respect each other, how much we give space for each other, how much we consider others and how much we care for others to survive together. We all are humans. Sometimes we may feel superior to other. But we should understand our mistakes and should change the wrong into right. Then there will be a meaning to our life. 

Two days before I got to see this video, which grabbed my attention. It is great video with great content and message to all individuals. Because we are all part of the society and the change should begin from each member, then from family to society, then to the whole world. Change is essential to survive together. 

In the video, at the end they says that "When you make rules , make the same rules for boys and girls". Because we are equal.


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