Saturday, October 31, 2020

Career Prospects of Teacher


We were divided into groups and assigned with certain topics to take seminar for 5 minutes. And our topic was "Career Prospects of Teachers"

Friday, October 30, 2020


 Our college has decide to conduct the arts day on November first week. As there was more than  30 students for Malayalam recitation alone, they decided to conduct a screening session for Malayalam recitation. Each students were given schedule along with assigning two judges. 

I was scared but decided to participate with a poem of Kumaranasan. I prepared to present few lines from his poem "Chandhala Bikshuki". But when I started to recite it, I lost the continuity. But I decided not to give up even if I was sad. I re- started to recite for three times and at the last try I finished my poem. Even if the result was not that happy, I was happy that I didn't gave up and finished my poem. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

E- Content Development

It was a new experience for all of us to develop an E- content based on our optional subjects using various online resources and apps. I was little nervous at the beginning, but I started exploring new apps and resources that can satisfy my wish to create something creative as well as interesting. Each one of us, chose different topics from different portions and created an E- content with our own ability and creativity.

I choose the topic "nouns" and created an E Content with the help of "tweencraft" app.

Saturday, October 17, 2020


I created a cartoon model innovative work with the help of Microsoft Word. As I was not able to upload it as word and PDF, I converted it into PPT to upload here. 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

CONSCIENTIZATION Programme- E content

Negative Impacts of Menstrual Products

As part of conscientization programme, we decided to create an E-Content and present it in front of our class. I am happy that i choose such a topic which is necessary to be presented in front of others. I got many positive feedback regarding my presentation and for choosing this topic. This is the presentation I prepared to present on front of the class. 


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

World Students' Day

World Students’ Day is observed every year on 15 October to mark the birth anniversary of former President A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. This year marks the 89th birth anniversary of the former president and ‘Missile Man’ Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. In 2010 the United Nations declared 15 October as “World Students' Day”, due to Kalam’s love for students and who himself was a dedicated teacher and identified himself foremost in that role before anything else.

I consider him as a person who we can take as a model to be followed. He inspired everyone including me with his simplicity in behavior, life style, way of communicating and respecting others. 

"If people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honor for me"

                                                                                                            - Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Monday, October 5, 2020

World Teachers' Day

I am a person who think that, there should not be one particular day to be celebrated for teachers. Is that the right thing to be done?! I dont think so..

 I believe that, each day in every corner of the world, a teacher is sharing his or her knowledge to the students. She is the one who bring the students from darkness to light of knowledge. We should not remember our dear teacher only in these days. We should always understand the importance of such a noble position and how important is the duty of teachers in moulding the students into a better persons. 

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge"

                                                                                                                  - Albert Einstein

By choosing this profession as a passion to be followed till the end of life, each teacher is trying to make a better society. A teacher can ignite the mind of each student who sit in front of them. She or he has an important role in changing the perspective, attitude, behavior, etc of learners into a better one. A teacher is someone who make a difference in someone`s life each day. A teacher will show you where to look and to go in which direction, but they will never tell you what you see and what you should do. A teacher will provide you every opportunity to grow yourself. 

Saturday, October 3, 2020


= is better than =/=

In the precious days, we discussed and learned about gender, gender equality, gender bias, etc in our online classroom. There was different opinions and thoughts. It was an interesting session. 

Sex is biological and gender is socially constructed. Gender equality is when people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities. Everyone is affected by gender inequality - women, men, trans and gender diverse people, children and families. There are biased attitude toward everyone. But many of us generalize it for the category of women. But I think that, not only women, even men are facing harassment, biases and inequality. In every fields like education, military, job, films, sports, household, college politics, etc.

Gender is something we constructed. So equality is something we should give each other. I believe that, no one is superior or inferior to anyone. Every human being and animals have equal rights in this earth to freely live, talk, eat, enjoy, follow their values, religion, culture, dreams, etc. The only thing that matters is how we respect each other, how much we give space for each other, how much we consider others and how much we care for others to survive together. We all are humans. Sometimes we may feel superior to other. But we should understand our mistakes and should change the wrong into right. Then there will be a meaning to our life. 

Two days before I got to see this video, which grabbed my attention. It is great video with great content and message to all individuals. Because we are all part of the society and the change should begin from each member, then from family to society, then to the whole world. Change is essential to survive together. 

In the video, at the end they says that "When you make rules , make the same rules for boys and girls". Because we are equal.


Friday, October 2, 2020


October 2 is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti to mark the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. This year has mark the 151st birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was born on October 2, 1869, at Porbandar, Gujarat. The day is observed as a public holiday across the nation. But due to the pandemic situation, we were not able to celebrate it. So our college has conducted a programme to make us understand the values and ideologies of Gandhiji. 

Our teachers presented various information regarding Gandhiji. Each presentation was informative and interesting. The presentation started with Dr. Preetha T L. Ma`am discussed about Gandhiji and cleanliness. Then other teachers presented about Gandhian ideology about basic education, women empowerment, Swadeshi movement, Sarvodhaya, etc. Soumya ma`am took an amazing session on interesting stories and facts about Gandhiji. At the end our Principal Dr. M S Geetha ma`am summarized as well as added many more information.