Saturday, February 29, 2020


..a wonderful experience with children..

Today we attended our first session of training students as part of DREAMS project. It was an amazing experience. We were new student mentors there. But as the day beginned, we knew that it is going to be a new journey for us. It was coordinated by Sheeba ma'am and Ann Twincy. It was not a usual training program as we expected. We never internationally teach them.. We the mentors give them opportunity to express themselves and learn themselves through experience.

Students were divided into groups under a pair of mentors. Each team was asked to present a skit based on the theme of the day. Each group performed well and we awarded them with best actor and best actress. They were really happy. Each student expressed their talent to act and some even made us laugh with their humour sense.

Playing games
Reading the song of Dreams program

Showing inspirational videos
related to the theme of the day
Then we made them reflect on an inspirational videos shown to them. Each student expressed their own vision and opinion. We had our lunch together and played various games. When the day came to an end, we never felt that we were new mentors. It felt like family where we already exist. It was a great day and together both us and those children will grow into better individuals. I am so happy to be part of it. 

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