Saturday, February 29, 2020


..a wonderful experience with children..

Today we attended our first session of training students as part of DREAMS project. It was an amazing experience. We were new student mentors there. But as the day beginned, we knew that it is going to be a new journey for us. It was coordinated by Sheeba ma'am and Ann Twincy. It was not a usual training program as we expected. We never internationally teach them.. We the mentors give them opportunity to express themselves and learn themselves through experience.

Students were divided into groups under a pair of mentors. Each team was asked to present a skit based on the theme of the day. Each group performed well and we awarded them with best actor and best actress. They were really happy. Each student expressed their talent to act and some even made us laugh with their humour sense.

Playing games
Reading the song of Dreams program

Showing inspirational videos
related to the theme of the day
Then we made them reflect on an inspirational videos shown to them. Each student expressed their own vision and opinion. We had our lunch together and played various games. When the day came to an end, we never felt that we were new mentors. It felt like family where we already exist. It was a great day and together both us and those children will grow into better individuals. I am so happy to be part of it. 

Friday, February 21, 2020


.. A Wonderful journey with wonderful people..

We went for an amazing tour on 17 February 2020. We planned it with CDS tours and Travels. Along with 41 students and 2 teacher and four CDS staffs, we beginned our journey from Christnagar school. On the way we halted at Alappuzha for dinner. After that it was a blast in our bus. 

When we wake up in the bus, we were able to enjoy the beauty of Wayanad churam. Then we had breakfast and reached Mysore during the afternoon. We visited Mysore palace. It was a magnificent view from the outside and inside. Inside the palace we witnessed various artifacts, golden howdah of Maharaja, various carvings, etc. 

Inside mysore palace

Then we visited St.Philomena's cathedral. Its beauty was visible with its neo gothic style construction. It is one of the tallest churches in Asia. 
St.Philomena's Cathedral

Then we went to Chamundi Hills. On the way we were able to view magnificent view of the entire Mysore city.
On the way to Chamundi Hills

Then we went to visit Brindavan Garden. At 7.30 pm we reached there and witnessed the famous water fountain. The place was filled with lots of people.
Brindavan Garden- Water fountain

Then we reached our hotel for night stay anf there we had a DJ party which was an amazing experience.

On 19th February morning at 6am we started our journey to Nambrolling Monastery. It is the largest teaching center of Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. It was a new experience to our eyes to witness a the temple which is glorified like palette of colours.
Nambrolling Monastery main building

When we reached there thousands of lamas were chanting mantras and were praying.
Inside view of temple and 3 statues

There were paintings which says about the stories of deities. The temple had three major statue to worship - Lord Bhuddha, Guru Padmasambhava, and Bhuddha Amitayus. It was a beautiful temple.

The magnificent view of its structure and sereign atmosphere can attract any visitor.

Then we went for River Rafting.
River Rafting

We beginned in 2 boats. It was like a festival.. we competed each other about which group will reach the other side. It was wonderful. We all enjoyed it.

Then we visited Nisarghama Bamboo Forest at 4.30 pm.
Entrance of Nisarghama Bamboo Forest

It is an island, so we should walk through a hanging bridge to get there. There were beautiful treehouses, deer, sandal trees and a beautiful lake.
A click from inside the tree house

Bamboo groves

Beside the lake

Then we went out of the island and spend sometime for shopping. We were enthusiastic to taste new dishes and to buy some things for our dear ones. The day went well. A day well spend too. Adter dinner at our hotel our tour agency sponsered a cake for us to celebrate our happiness.
Last celebration 🎉

Our teachers and their kids cut the cake and then we beginned our journey back to home.

On 20th February morning we had breakfast at Ernakulam and we spent quality time by singing songs, playing damsharaads, etc. It was an amazing journey with amazing people filled with love, care and friendship. This tour made our bond much stronger than before. It was a process of mixing fantastic experience and beautiful memories😊

Saturday, February 1, 2020


Christ Nagar college of Education conducted a two day national seminar on the topic " Transformational Leadership - A Call for Empowerment of Teachers". It was conducted on 31 January 2020 and 1 February 2020 in the Christ Nagar Junior school auditorium, Thiruvallam. The programme was inagurated by Dr. Rajan Varghese, Member Secretary of the Kerala State Higher Educational Council, Government of Kerala. 

The seminar was coordinated by our teachers and it was attended by teachers, students, researchers and resource persons around the state. Their was various theme presentations as well as paper presentations. We were lucky to witness excellent presentations of eminent personalities. It was indeed a great opportunity. Two day seminar gave us a new insight that teacher is not only a person who can transform themselves and can transform others into capable leaders.