Saturday, January 11, 2020



Today along with some of my friends, I attended a conference titled " Let Us Dream". It included various panel discussions which inculcated many NGO's who shared their valuable experiences with us. The session was conducted by our dear Fr. Lijo who is an inspiring person. 

This conference was a kind of revelation for each one of us as it made us aware of various inspiring activities around us. We understood that there are a lot of people with good heart and soul who find time for others. 

This is a world in which everyone find excuses to stay comfortable and happy. But these people dedicated their valuable time for others. Everyone of us is busy with their own life but they find time for others to make them happy. If we could share the love, care and happiness with others, that is the greatest blessing in our life. 

The respected members on various panels were really amazing inspiring persons who ignited the humanity in our minds. I am happy that by attending this conference I didn't wasted my time.. It was worth to spend my time with them. I wish and hope that I will be able to help atleast one person in my life and I wish to bring smile in the face of many. Let god bless me to do that.

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