Wednesday, December 25, 2019


.. A Day of Joy, Peace and Happiness..

Let this Christmas bring everyone happiness and prosperity. 

I wish let this Christmas be away from all discriminations of caste, religion, gender and race. Consider everyone as one among us and respect each other. Let this world be not ' mine' bt "our's".


Friday, December 20, 2019


.. A day of Celebration..

Today, we celebrated our first Christmas after entering in our college. The function was well organized and was we had a great atmosphere of Christmas. Our function was blessed with the presence of Fr. Robim Ananthankadu, Fr. Sony Sebastian, Principal Dr. M. S. Geetha along with our beloved guests, Sister Anila, Sister Sophia. All beloved guests gave us Christmas messages through various interesting stories. After the official function, we had cultural programmes like carol songs, dance, nativity plays, etc. The function became sweeter when our Fr. Sony Sebastian presented us cakes made by himself.The day was soo good that it will reside in our minds even after years. The love, care, and togetherness of Christmas was presented to us through gifts and cake.

Thursday, December 19, 2019


.. A day with two famous people in society..

It was an amazing day. We were blessed with two exceptionally talented, famous personalities, Dr. G. Madhavan Nair, former chairman of ISRO and Vayalar Sarath Chandra Varma, lyricist. The function was a grand success. Dr.G Madhavan Nair inagurated our new union and Vayalar inagurated our Arts Club. The speeches of both personalities were inspiring. Madhavan Nair sir talked about the importance of becoming a teacher. He said that, in his life his teachers have a major role in motivating him to achieve his dream. Vayalar sir talked artistically about life and arts. It was so magnificent and pleasing to our ears and heart. 
This day was really memorable to each one of us.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


..A new opportunity..

Martheophilus training college has conducted SPARKS - All Kerala inter training collegiate fest on 16 and 17th December 2019. On the first day Lakshmi, Jeenu, Nikhitha, sruthy, Sister Linda and me went to participate in various programmes to represent our college. 

I and Lakshmi participated in Mehandi design competition. We didn't get any prize, but it was a nice experience to visit and participate in programs conducted by other colleges. Our senior Jeenu Karthikeyan won the title as "Best Student Teacher" after a series of activities conducted by the organisers. 

On the second day our friends participated in quiz and other sports activity like Badminton. The match was really nice. Bith the teams competed each other. It was really amazing. Our college women badminton team won second prize. It was a great experience for us.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


..Essent Awareness to Know About Our own rights..

Human rights logo
Human-rights day is celebrated on December 10. The date was chosen to honor the United Nations General Assembly's adoption and proclamation, on 10 December 1948, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The day is normally marked both by high-level political conferences and meetings and by cultural events and exhibitions dealing with human rights issues. Today we celebrated it in our college. It was to make everyone aware that, every humanbeing has same rights regardless of their sex, caste, religion, race, colour, etc. 

Ms. Joshna presented a speech on the importance of this day and how it was originated. Ms. Athira continued by adding examples of human-rights violation in the present society. After that Preetha ma'am consolidated the topic with more informations. It was really informative and relevant to us as student teachers. It made us realise that, as a teacher and humanbeing, we should be aware of our rights as well as the rights of our students. We should make the pupil aware of their rights to freedom, live, educate, etc. A person with good awareness of his or her own rights will also learn to respect others. 

Then we our college conducted a poster making competition.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


..A film that has a special place in mind..

"Brave" is a 2012 animated film of Pixar. It is an animated fantast film released by Walt Disney pictures. It was directed by Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman. The film is set in Scottish Highlands. The film tells the story of Princess Merida who defies an old custom causing chaos in the Kingdom by expressing her desire not to be betrothed. 
In Medieval Scotland, Princess Merida of Clan Dunbroch is presented with bow and arrow by her father, King Fergus on her 6th birthday to the dismay of her Mother Queen Elinor. Merida is an action packed character who is flame haired and like a Scottish Tomboy. Then we flash forward to Merida as a young girl at the ate of marriage. But she was not interested to get married now. But her mother invite heirs of other clans and the competition of Archery begins. But t none of them were worth. So Merida herself get into the competition who showed them what her skill is. This made her mother angry. Merida went out of home and she met a witch to whom she asked to change her mother. Then she gave her mother the cake which the witch gave her, Elinor changed into bear. Merida was shocked. Later understand that she can change the spell. Even if Fergus try to kill the bear without knowing the truth, Merida stops him harshly. At the end Elinor turned back into her body.
More than the story the way the character, amerida acts really impressed me. In the fim Scottish Highlands is painted beautifully through details and archery skills of Merida. Brave has an uplifting message of communication between mother and daughter. When the story begins Elinor is so strict and always try to make her daughter like her. But at the end she leavea the decision of marriage to her daughter itself. Merida also transform from a childish girl to a matured lady. 
Brave has 4 songs. Each one is uniqhue and pleasing. "The song of Mor'du" is featured with words sung Authentically in scots which is different from Scottish Gaelic. The lyrics of the songs perfectly merge with each situations. My favourite Song is "Touch the Sky" and favourite lines are
I will ride, I will fly
Chase the wind and touch the sky"
The animators have a great role as they gave a visual treat to us. It is visible in the cration of Will-o-the- wisp, bear, action scenes, firewall, witch's cittage and her magic, etc. Characyer animators perdormed well as each character and lip sync is perfect. 
Brave is Pixar's first Fairy tale in which women is portrayed in a more masculine way and first pixar film to have a female director. 
This movie is special As Merida, the female protagonist breaks the stereotype of princess. Merida is far from being a Typical fairy tale princess. She is like a tomboy. She is not afraid of anyone or anything, she has a strong will to do what she wants, she is a perfect daughter, she is a person who find time to live for herself. She shows the courage to reject all men cane to marry her. She has a strong self respect. She never relies on anyone else to fix her mistakes when the spell goes wrong. She remained happily single and take care of everything around her. I felt like this is bold female oriented movie. It shows that, what ever the family ir society do, the real self will burst out from every individual. It has a perfect blend in its story, plot,direction, casting, editing, cinematography, music, action, animation,etc. It has comedy, action, adventure, emotional scenes, supernatural elements and so on. 
Pixar took 13 movies to give us a female protagonist who has broke all stereotypes. Merida is presented as a honorary boy. In every perspective she is the first feminist Disney princess. So it has a special place in my mind as well as in the history. This is an amazing movie which always has a special place in my mind.

Monday, December 2, 2019


.. An Essential Awareness to give a helping hand to those who need it..

Today we organised a programme based on AIDS Day. It was a really good effort which provided many new valuable informations. Our friends co-ordinated a Tableau to give us an awareness about AIDS.

They made us understand What is AIDS, How AIDS is different from HIV, How it Is transmitted, How we can control it etc.

The programme started with a well organized thought of Ankitha about AIDS Day and other details, then consolidated by Sreekutty ma'am. Preetha ma'am concluded it at the end of the programme. Over all the programme was really a successful one. It was very informative.