Thursday, October 24, 2019


..A way to express out talents, skills and leadership quality..

Today we conducted an exhibition as part of our capacity building activity. As decided before we, English optional students exhibited charts, models based on our subject. Some took different authors and their biographies, some took poems, some made models about propositions, synonyms, etc. It was a great experience as we could see different varieties of presentation. As planned before we arranged and took writers in a chronological way and exposed our leadership quality as well as our unity to the entire college. Teachers and students appreciated us. 

Monday, October 21, 2019


  • In 1956 UGC was established as a statutory of Government of India
  •  Inquire into the financial needs of universities
  • Define the minimum standards of instruction for the grant of any degree
  • Allocates and distribute grants to the universities
  • Advise on the allocation of grants: establishment of new universities
  • Provide funds for the purpose of development, maintenance, specific purposes, general purposes, etc.
  • Recommend measures necessary for the improvement of university education
  • Ensures qualification of teaching staff of universities
  • UGC can take action against any university if they haven’t followed the instructions of the statutory body.
  • UGC Can collect necessary information not only from India but also from countries all over the world.
  • Have educational purposes with a vision of supervising, coordination, maintenance, development and to determine the standards of university education.




.. Model and chart making..

The chart and Model made for optional subject were really nice experience. I began to think and search for new ideas and concepts for my model. And tried to make it more colorful. 




.. New experience to teach based on Skill of stimulus variation..

It was a really challenging task, because we have to concentrate on the specific skills assigned to us. First we prepared a lesson plan and after the approval of teacher we decided to take the class. I chose my topic as "Prepositions" and made charts of it. As informed I took my micro teaching class imagining my friends as my students and 4 of them sat as observers to check my flaws and strengths. It went well. I completed my micro teaching within 7 min as I mentioned in my lesson plan. Both my class teacher and my friends appreciated me. It was an interesting, informative as well as fun filled experience. 


.. Seniors waked our taste buds with their Food Fest ..

Our seniors conducted a food fest in our college on the basis of their capacity building programme. It was a well  arranged function. There was a proper inauguration by our dear principal. The fest was really a success. They had a vast menu to fill our bellies. 


.. It made me believe in myself and I am sure I am in the right path..

Next day we were eager to get classes and the teachers were very much cooperative to give us their classes. Each day gave us new experiences. We felt innocent love of our students. On that day their was an assembly which made students aware of the importance of washing hands and the leader showed the pupil how to wash the hands and asked them to follow her.

On Wednesday for the first time I got 7A. It was anew experience to deal with the smaller kids. Their questions and talents were really amazing.

On Thursday our teacher Preetha ma'am came to observe our class and we were amazed that, how quite our 8B class was. They really concentrated on the class. I was prepared with an ICT session, but due to technical errors , I took the class in lecture method. But they were thorough with our portions. We took the lesson "Rosa Parks Sat Still". When ever we asked questions they were able to answer. I was happy that they understood the story. Later in other 8th classes I showed the videos of the lesson which made them clear with the story.

                                         A video on "Rosa Parks Sat Still"

When we become very much closer to them, they become eager to show us their talents. Devananda, a student of 8th standard showed us a picture she draw, which made us extremely happy.

On the last day we bought chocolates for them to say goodbye. But they were really sad of our departure. We three were so sad to leave from the school. They hugged and kissed us. We knew that, we will miss this school and our kids.

Most important thing is, I understood what is the feeling of our teachers when we answer to the questions well from their portions. We were able to understand and mingle with different kind of students from different background. Their was both English medium and Malayalam medium, so we also got chance to understand the differences. It was really a nice experience. This profession made me believe in myself more. I need to improve more to teach and need to produce a fruitful generation.

Teaching is not just a job or profession. Beyond salary, beyond a secure job, It is the only profession which can give us a respectable position in the society. It is the only profession which can make all other professions. More than anything a teacher need a passion to teach. And I believe I have that passion within me.

Monday, October 14, 2019


..First teaching experience as a teacher in Fort Mission Girls School..


On 14th October 2019 I entered into the Fort Mission School for first five days induction programme I was really scared. Not only me, with me there was Bisni and Viji. We met vice Principal Rani ma'am who was in charge of the school. We were assigned our portions each day morning. On the first day on third period, I got my first class, 8B. When I entered into the class students were so much excited. We met each other. I asked them to introduce themselves but they were more interested to here about me. Then I went to 8D in the 5th period. It was Malayalam medium class. They were restless but I loved their energy to express themselves in front of me. The magical word "Teacher"  really filled our hearts. First day went well. We were waiting for the next day to come.

