Sunday, September 29, 2019


..Gave experience of African land and out burst of  imagination..

"A writer without interest or sympathy for the foibles of his fellowman is not conceivable as a writer"
                                                                                                                                   - Joseph Conrad

Polish - born English novelist Joseph Conrad is one of the greatest modern writers of England. His novels reflect his concerns with the complex individual, and how sympathy and imagination can blur clear judgment which is essential to life. The character development in Conrad`s books are engaging and powerful.

His earlier works reflected his visits as a merchant mariner and his exploration to distant lands. They are :

"An Outcast of the Islands"(1896)
"The Nigger of Narcissus"(1897)
"The Heart of Darkness"(1899)
"Lord Jim"(1899)

Next novels reflected his political side 

"Nostromo" (1904)
"The Secret Agent" (1907)
"Under Westerns Eyes"(1911)
The Shadow Line (1915)

In 1923 he declines Knighthood in England. On August 3, 1924 Conrad died of a heart attack and was buried at Canterbury, England. His grave stone bears lines of Edmund Spenser as 

"Sleep after toyle, Port after stormie seas/ Ease after warre, Death after Life, does greatly please"

Heart of Darkness is one of my favourite work by him. The story centers around Marlow, an introspective sailor and his journey to congo river to meet Kurtz. The story is really interesting as it explains the wilderness of African forest, its tribe and how the western man changed over a period of time as he lived there. It exposes the viewpoint of the colonizers and colonized people and how they are exploited. It is frame narrative, circular narrative many motifs, symbols and themes are there. It can be connected to Dante`s Inferno, Marxism, Archetypal, psychological aspects, etc. The story reveals that Darkness is not in the jungle alone, its everywhere, even in the hearts of every human being. Conrad was successful to make his reader imagine the story and we will feel our presence in the story.  


"My task, which I am trying to achieve is, by the power of the written words, to make you hear, to make you feel - It is, before all, to make you see"
                                                                                                                                - Joseph Conrad


..To become protective angels to our little innocent angels ..

As a teacher it is important for us to learn about laws related to children. Our college has arranged a session to make us aware of the POCSO ACT, which was taken by sister Biji Jose CMC, the Member of Kerala Child Rights Commission on 27 September 2019.
She made us understand, how in the present society children suffer. As a teacher we have to understand problems of each child and solve it. If it is serious as sexual, physical or mental harass by someone, as the guardian angel of our students we have to protect them and inform the legal system. The class was informative as well as helped us to understand how to deal with POSCO Act related problems as well as other problems of children.

Sister Biji Jose

Saturday, September 21, 2019


..To make us entrepreneurs.. To improve creativity..

Yesterday was our art education class. It was really amazing. The student teachers lakshmi, joshna and sister among us taught each of us greeting card making, fabric painting and glass painting. All were ready with their images to draw. Every needed accessories were given to us. It was really nice experience. 

Fabric Painting

Greeting Card

Sunday, September 8, 2019


..A Traditional Day..

On sepetember 6, 2019. We celebrated our first onam in Christ Nagar College of Education. Everyone was looking gorgeous in traditional saree and mund. The entire college was shining in its coloured beauty. We put atham in our college hall and the programme started at 10 AM.  Our dear    Fr. Sony Sebastian inagurated the function and every thing went as we planned. Balu chettan dressed as Maveli and expressed the moral message of onam. After official function, there was some programmes. First programme was thiruvathira  of our belived teachers. Then there was thiruvathira from our students too. Then Anu performed a beautiful dance. Then after these, we arranged lunch. We, the seniors and juniors served each item on plantain leaves to our teachers and to everyone.

Then after that we beginned our cultural programmes. Then there was songs, dances, and so many more items. Anandu, sang a song beautifully and we were amazed. We never heard him singing. Our principal ma'am congragulated him. And at 4 in the evening the function was over. And we were ready to enjoy our 10 days vacation with happy hearts. We wished happy onam to everyone. This day was really a memorable one. We, the Christ Nagarians will never forget this onam celebration.


"Teachers are the role models to the young generation, they affect the heart of every child and they continue to affect the eternity in the days to come."

On September 5, 2019 we the Christnagarians celebrated Teachers day. As planned before we arranged everything. Morning at 10 AM we beginned our official function. Ann and Parvathy was assigned the duty to anchor the programme. They invited each person on the dias to do their duties of welcome speech, inagural function, felicitation and vote of thanks. To give our principal ma'am Dr. MS Geetha, a wonderful surprise we invited her favourite student, VS Kaikasi, Receipient of the Prestigious "BEST EDUCATIONALIST AWARD" instituted by The Rotary International in the year 2015. 

The moment she saw her student, her face lit up, eyes widened and she burst into tears of happiness. When she was able to talk she thanked all of us for the surprise. 



Then Kaikasi ma'am started to speak a few words. That speech really inspired me. I was a person who only heard her name. But in that day My eyes were always searching for her to come. The moment I saw her and heard her speech it mesmerized me. She really inspired me. Then I moved to do my duty to say Vote of thanks. I expressed my heartfelt thanks to everyone present there, especially Kaikasi ma'am for giving me a chance to saw her. It will always be one of the best day of my life.  Then we gifted hand crafted glass paintings to our guest and all our teachers. Then we wind up the programme.

After that we conducted many games for our beloved teachers. Which was so interesting and entertaining.

Bomb in the city winner Sushamma ma'am
Bomb in the city

In the afternoon we conducted certain cultural games related to onam. Their was a vadamvali competition among we the juniors and our seniirs in which we won. Then there was kudam adi, uri adi and other games. That day was really amazing.

Vadam vali