Wednesday, August 7, 2019


..Dramatized Experiences..

Today, we were assigned to choose one stage, out of 10 stages of Edgar Dale's "Cone of Experience" and to show how that method will be effective in the teaching learning process.
Edgar Dale

He was an American educator who developed the Cone of Experience. He made several contributions to audio and visual instruction, including a methodology  for analyzing the content of motion pictures.

Graphic Representation of Cone of Experience
As we were divided into ten groups, we choose the third stage "Dramatized Experience". We decided to choose and teach a particular topic based on this stage.

We bagan to discuss and chose "the state of matter" as our topic and in the five members, four of us decided to be molecules of matters and one will take class. Nibin was ready to take the class, and we the four ladies Me, Lakshmy, Jani and Rashmi were prepared to be molecules.

We explained the class about three states of matters- Solid, Liquid and Gas. Four of us stand closer as possible to show that in Solid, molecules are tightly packed. Then stand as a circle and slightly moving around a table to show that in Water, molecules are more loosely arrange than in the solid. Then we directed toward the four corners of the hall and moved independently to show the wide loose arrangement of molecule in the Gas state. 

At the end of the class everyone was happy with our dramatisation and appreciated us for our efforts. This was a new experience to understand how difficult it is to choose each teaching methods aptly. But it made us aware of the effectiveness of  methods. Not only our group, each group came up with different effective methods of teaching.

'It made us realize that, inside everyone of us there is an educator, we only have to be patient enough to identify and mould it to a better one.'

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