Saturday, August 24, 2019


..A Day Full of Entertainment and Information..

Yesterday as part of our BEd carriculum, we went for a small field trip. It included Sunil's Wax Museum, planetarium and Biodiversity park. The journey beginned from our college.
 At 9.30am, we first visited Keral's First Wax Museum - Sunil's Wax Museum at Eastfort, Trivandrum.

We were divided into five groups including ten members. Museum contain 30 wax models of Gandhiji, Nehru, Prakash Raj, Narendra Modi, V S Achudananthan and so on. It was a really wonderful experience. 


Then we moved to Planetarium in PMG, Trivandrum. First as we booked before, we entered into the "Science of Sphere" show. It was a visual treat. We felt like we are viewing our earth and other planets. They showed and explained us about the weather change, temperature variation, cloud formation, etc in our planet. They also gave us a creative view of each planet in the solar system.

Then we experienced a view of our entire solar system in their "Sky Theatre". It was a hall which has a curve shaped top portion in which, with the help of 9 projectors, 3 DSLR cameras, 13 computers and Opto mechanical projector, they gave us a visual treat to witness how beautiful is our galaxy and they showed a creative short documentary "Back to Moon for the Good" made by Tim Allen whuch shows world first entry to moon. Then we spend our time in the mathematical sessions and little time to enjoy in the park. It was a really nice experience.

Then we beginned our journey to Kerala's First Biodiversity Park at Vallakadav, Trivandrum.

They welcomed us and treated us with the joy of experiencing the show science of sphere.

But it concentrated on showing us the present and future changes that may occur in our earth if we act carelessly. They showed us the drastic change in temperature, the changes in preserving forest, the decrease of water content in earth, how tsunami affected each country, how dam construction influenced it and so much more. Then we enjoyed different technologically advanced infirmations provided for us.

 The fossils were so much interesting. It was our last place to visit in that day.

It was really a wonderful experience. An informative, interesting and memorable day.

Friday, August 23, 2019


..A Touch of Humanity, Love and Affection.

On 22 August 2019, as a part of our social visit based on BEd curriculum we visited an old age home "Kripalayam". Like the name, it was a place to take care of old mothers who cant live with their families or who has no family. As we entered into their place sister Rosemary welcomed us all. All mothers were sitting in the hall to saw us. First we were sad to see them. Because we related them with our grandparents, but later we began to talk and mingle with them. They were happy to see us.


As we planned before, we performed certain programmes to entertain them. Many of them participated in singing songs and games. They were very supportive when we performed group dance and group songs, solo songs, etc. At the end we got enough time to spend with each of our old mothers. Some of them can't walk, can't speak, blind and so on, but those innocent smiles made us really happy.



This day really made us sad because they were disappointed, when we were going to leave and many of them shared their tragic stories. But at the end we became happy that we were able make a smile on their face. Which is the greatest gift of God we ever received. In my prayers, there will be special place for them. 

Thursday, August 22, 2019


.. A chance to Mould our Life..

2 days before our college arranged a life skill education class for us. We were excited to hear and know what it is. Our principal introduced Dr. Rajeswari. K, Assistant Professor, M. Ed Dept, GCTE, Calicut, to the entire class and she was the one who was going to teach us, what is the importance of life skill and how it can be achieved. 

She started the class. we were so excited. The class was very interesting. It was really interactive as well as informative. Ma'am said that the most important life skills are:
  • Self Awareness
  • Empathy
  • Interpersonal Relation
  • Effective Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Creative Thinking
  • Decision Making
  • Problem Solving
  • Coping with Emotion
  • Coping with Stress
Then ma'am showed us how we interpret certain things differently. She selected certain members from our group and she told a story to first person, then each person should tell the story to next person and each one to the class. 

She asked for 6 voluntary students for an activity for which I also participated. She told a story to Saranya,Then Saranya told to Keerthi, Keerthi to me, me to Viji, and passed on to each one. After telling the story to next person, we have to convey that story to the class. At the end we understood that each one of us told the story adding different extra elements. She made us clear that this is how a particular information is misinterpreted. As it pass on from one to other the content varies as It is not the fault of anyone. So we have to develop the skill to understand, analyse and think beyond any information we receive.

Then she said about SWOT or SWOC analysis. Which is Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat or Strength Weakness Opportunity Challenge. She made us write our strength and weakness and discussed about it. Like that she made us do different interesting creative activities. We were really happy at the end of the class that we understood how to internalize life skills. At the end Ankitha thanked to the teacher as our class representative. It was a great session. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


..Yet Another Day of Celebration..

As decided before we celebrated our independence day in an amazing way. It was really wonderful. We planned several programmes for days and on 14/8/19 we celebrated the day. It was a visual treat for the entire college. There was various, colorful, creative, cultural programmes. Everything was perfect as we planned. We coordinated well. We beginned with prayer dance of Anu G


I was assigned the duty to coordinate the theme show. Our team included me, Bisni, Fathima, Meera, Annie, Ankitha and Hersha. Showing the culture of 29 states were not possible. So we choose each state from four directions of our mother land, which was Kerala, Kashmir, West Bengal and Gujarat. We are happy that we were successful to recreate the cultural attire of these states.


Then Aavani and Team gave us a wonderful visual  treat with group dance

 Then There was Tableau by Parvathy and Team

There was a marvelous skit at the end

In between there was three speeches in English, Malayalam and Hindi. And Nanda and Team performed a beautiful group song. Which took us to another state of mind filled with patriotism

Overall it was an amazing day. Every teachers congratulated us for giving them a magical visual experience. This day will have a special place in our mind, because it was officially our first programme in the college.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


..Dramatized Experiences..

Today, we were assigned to choose one stage, out of 10 stages of Edgar Dale's "Cone of Experience" and to show how that method will be effective in the teaching learning process.
Edgar Dale

He was an American educator who developed the Cone of Experience. He made several contributions to audio and visual instruction, including a methodology  for analyzing the content of motion pictures.

Graphic Representation of Cone of Experience
As we were divided into ten groups, we choose the third stage "Dramatized Experience". We decided to choose and teach a particular topic based on this stage.

We bagan to discuss and chose "the state of matter" as our topic and in the five members, four of us decided to be molecules of matters and one will take class. Nibin was ready to take the class, and we the four ladies Me, Lakshmy, Jani and Rashmi were prepared to be molecules.

We explained the class about three states of matters- Solid, Liquid and Gas. Four of us stand closer as possible to show that in Solid, molecules are tightly packed. Then stand as a circle and slightly moving around a table to show that in Water, molecules are more loosely arrange than in the solid. Then we directed toward the four corners of the hall and moved independently to show the wide loose arrangement of molecule in the Gas state. 

At the end of the class everyone was happy with our dramatisation and appreciated us for our efforts. This was a new experience to understand how difficult it is to choose each teaching methods aptly. But it made us aware of the effectiveness of  methods. Not only our group, each group came up with different effective methods of teaching.

'It made us realize that, inside everyone of us there is an educator, we only have to be patient enough to identify and mould it to a better one.'